Recounting divine benefits!
Verse for Today: Monday, January 28, 2013
Psalms 103:2 – Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.

Human brain has the capacity to remember as well as forget. We often forget the bright past and remember the painful events of our yesteryear. Our bitter experiences often overshadow the best that has happened to us. We frequently dwell in our past failures but forget our innumerable successes and victories. Thus we tend to lose the joy of the innumerable best and revert back to the painful few. Today God wants us to recount the best that has happened to each of us. If we look at all that God has done for us in the past, it would so fill our hearts as to find no room for remembering the setbacks which came our way. God has shown us His favors because He is our beloved Father and we are His special children. He has saved our souls from destruction and given us eternal life. This fact alone is sufficient for us to focus on praising Him. Along with that, He has given us all that we need to live a godly life here on earth. He has given us our basic necessities of life and led us day by day in the past which provides additional reasons for us to praise Him. He has given us people to love and associate with. He has protected us from the evil one and from the snares of the enemy. All that we are today cannot be because of our merit, goodness and qualifications, but due only to His grace. He has shown compassion and mercy to sustain us. God wants us to acknowledge all the benefits we have received from Him all through the years of our past life and focus on praising Him for it all. Such a life of praise would be life filled with gratitude and not complaints. A life of praise would weed out all bitter roots from our lives and fill us with joy and true contentment.

Dear friend, are you looking back at the bitter experiences of life and feeling dejected? Was your past pain so much as to push you to live with a depressive spirit day after day? But the very fact that God has made it all a story of the past is sufficient for you to praise Him. Every victory in the past is to be remembered joyfully and use it to praise God. The protection and provisions granted to you are sufficient to remember for generations to come. If you recount all that God has done for you and start praising Him for it, where would you find time to remember the failures, losses and pain that you underwent? David went through innumerable experiences of pain, misery, threats, dangers, treacheries and insecurity in life. He passed through discouragements, hopelessness, anguishes and loneliness, but the Lord brought him out of it all. But David found that the deliverance He enjoyed from the Lord was paramount in his for which he was truly grateful to God. For David, all his experiences, whether joyful or painful, were worth praising God because these events made him know His God more intimately. He saw it all as the hand of God in His life which led his heart to be filled with singing and praising. A grateful heart will not allow the weeds of murmur to grow and that is the great lesson we can learn today from the life of King David. Let us take the challenge to dwell continually in praising God for all that He has done for us and all that He is going to do for us in the days to come.

Psalms 27:13 – I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Thought for Today
A heart filled with gratitude and praise will have no desire to dwell in the past failures and losses.

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