Reigning by faith!
Verse for Today: Sunday, February 17, 2013
Genesis 17:15 – God also said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you are no longer to call her Sarai; her name will be Sarah.

Name often denotes a person’s character and what that person might become in the future. God has changed the names of people and expected them to behave according to the significance of the new name. When God changed the name of Abram to Abraham, it was meant to be prophetic and futuristic. God wanted the childless Abram to become the father of many nations because God had planned for him to have a male child. God also had great things to talk about Sarai’s future. God knew that she would be a mother and that some of her grandchildren will become kings and rulers. So it is natural that Sarai would no longer stay as a ‘mocker’ or a ‘contentious woman’ as her older name would mean. As the would-be grandmother of kings and rulers, she ought to be called a ‘Princess’ and so God changed her name to be Sarah. The change of name was a strong message of confirmation to Sarai and to Abraham about their future. They were to believe in the future plans God had for them and take these new names by faith and start behaving like the father and mother of great nations and great kings. Sarah was to become the great grandmother of kings like David and Solomon and the King of Kings. Sarai’s unbelief had to give way to faith that God would perform a miracle in her life and make her a princess. Abraham had to treat her as the ‘queen mother’ because God would bless her to become royalty. This name change is a great challenge to both Abram and Sarai to put their faith in the God of the impossible to accomplish His great purpose in and through ordinary people like them. Today God wants all His children to put their faith in Him and behave like spiritual princes and princesses because we are the children of the Great King. When we behave like royalty, our entire outlook to life will change and we will be filled with confidence and courage in the most trying circumstances in life.

Dear friend, are you behaving like a prince or princess in life today or are you a slave to your negative thoughts and depressive ideas in life? You are no longer to live as a slave to circumstances and situations and write yourself off. You might be coming from ordinary and simple background, but in God’s eyes you are a ruler in His kingdom. He expects you to dictate to your negative situations in the name of Jesus and get victory. You should not allow the negative situations and circumstances to depress your heart and life. As a ruler of God’s resources and opportunities, you ought to rise above the ranks of a subdued person to a commanding prince or princess. You are already seated in the heavenly places with Jesus Christ and are spiritually reigning with Him. In all areas of your life here on earth, you are to reign by faith and accomplish great things for the King of Kings. Every evil force will have to be subdued by faith and every worldly influence must be defeated. You can face all the impossibilities of life and command it to be removed from your pathway as you follow Jesus according to His commandments. Every decision you make will have to be a royal decision taken for the King of Kings whose glory ought to be your priority in all your movements. Remember, you are called to reign and be victorious. Let us not be subdued by negative situations and circumstances, but become victorious over it all by faith in our King who rules over everything.

2 Timothy 2:12 – If we die with Him, we will also live with Him; if we endure, we will also reign with Him.

Thought for Today

By faith we can live to reign with Jesus in all our situations and circumstances victoriously.

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