Reigniting touch!
Verse for Today: Saturday, December 01, 2012
1 Kings 19:5 – Then Elijah lay down under the tree and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.”

Insurmountable challenges and intimidation in life sag the confidence and courage of even the boldest servants of God. When the power of iniquity and evil confronts, it shakes even the most courageous prophets of God. Sometimes the victory of Carmel will be overshadowed by the threats of an evil queen like Jezebel and will drain our strength and hope. We might plunge into prayers of unbelief and faithlessness. The evil forces that try to take away our faith might overpower our capacity to bear with it and fill us with fear and anxiety. Thus when we are ready to quit, our God will not let us go. His love will hold us back to face the difficult situation that we fear. If we need rest and sleep, He will give it to revive us. When we need strength, He will give us His spiritual manna and living water. When we are at the lowest ebb of courage and strength, our God will send His messengers to touch and revive us. Our God will impart the power of His Spirit upon us to fill us with His mighty power to keep going. God has greater plans for us to accomplish in this life and He wants us to continue rather than give up and give in. He will strengthen our weak and tired souls and equip us to run the race for Him. Even the mighty prophet who has experienced Cherith and Zarephath might be tempted to plunge into unbelief and depression. But God will not let us go. He will sustain us to face the most difficult situations, challenges and intimidation and will give us victory. He will fortify our sagging spirits with His Spirit and give us His strength to keep fighting battles for God. Today the Word of God comes to us to restore our weak and tired muscles of faith. We have miles to go and He will give us strength to keep going.

Dear reader, are you going through a time of stiff spiritual battles with the evil forces which try to annihilate you? Do you lose all hope as you see the ferocious and furious enemy before your eyes? Are you tempted to run for life and give up the battle against ungodliness and evil? But the Word of God comes to you today to tell you that your mission needs to continue because God has greater plans for you. He wants you to accomplish greater things for Him here on earth. There are missions which are earmarked for you to look after. Perhaps you might need to run faster than ever before. God wants to speak to you about what He will continue to do with you and through you.  He knows that you are tired and frustrated and will strengthen you with heavenly Bread which has been the soul food of the mighty ones. Are you today confronted by powerful enemies like competition and jealousy by others? Is joblessness or financial crisis haunting you? Are you facing cruel foes like alienation, hatred, misunderstanding and rejection by those who are dear and near to you? Are you deprived of your rights and privileges? Don’t lose heart because your God will come to your rescue. You are precious to Him because He purchased you with the very blood of His Son. He will not let you be dragged around helpless in a desert.  When the enemy strikes, your God will hide you under His wings.  When situations are hard and harsh, He will touch you with His hands. When you are tired, He will strengthen you with the divine touch of His spirit and His Word. He will strengthen and sustain you to continue with your mission and accomplish greater tasks for Him. So dear friend, get up from your pit of despair, depression and despondency and shine for your Lord once again. Use His energy and power to make your visions a reality. Don’t be tempted to relent, but go forward with greater vigor, vitality and vibrancy. Your God will see you through the present challenges for His glory.

Isaiah 42:3 – A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out.

Thought for Today

The divine touch is sufficient to reignite and revitalize any sagging spirit.

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