Reward for Silence

Verse for Today: Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Psalms 62:1 –
My soul waits in silence for God only; from Him is my salvation.

Quiet often the people of the world wonder why the children of God keep silent when they are intimidated and wronged by them. They expect God’s children to retaliate and take revenge. Sometimes the silence and inaction of God’s children are taken as weakness. They do not realize that we are keeping quiet because of the patience that we receive from the Lord. They sometimes take advantage of our patience and silence and do more harm to us. But they do not know that we are a kind of people who pray for those who wrong us because these people are Satan’s instruments against God’s people. Sometimes Satan even uses God’s people against each other. But we do not wrestle against flesh and blood and so we wait in silence for our God to work in our lives and our situations. He is the God who rules and overrules situations to take glory out of it all. He gives His children the strength to remain silent when persecuted and intimidated. We know that in the final analysis, we are the victors through the victory our Lord secured on the cross and so we defeat all our fleshly inclinations to fight with others. But waiting in silence is not easy for us because our human instinct will always be under pressure to take revenge or to give tit for tat. But our Lord is the greatest role model for us in this that He never retaliated against all the wrongs the world did to Him. He entrusted the matter with the Father and remained quiet. He could have called ten thousand angels to fight for Him, but kept it all in abeyance and remained silent. Had He uttered one word against His enemies, they would have become ashes in split second. He waited for the Father to act. God’s children like Joseph, David, Nehemiah, Paul, Peter and John waited in silence for the Lord to act on their behalf. They were all given patience and endurance in times of persecution and intimidation. Our God works the same way in our lives also and He has abundance of patience and peace for us to draw upon to help us go through our present difficulties and come out victorious.

Dear friend, are you going through attacks and intimidation in your life today? Perhaps your human instinct is to fight back. But if you do not fight back, but entrust the matter with the Lord, He will take up your cause forward. He will deal with your intimidators and will silence them. He will be your advocate in all situations and will give you the peace and patience that He experienced on the cross for you to enjoy in times of fierce attacks and persecutions. He will strengthen your mind and fortify you all around so that the attacks will not harm you. He understands your predicaments and deal with you in love and kindness. He comes to comfort you through His Spirit and His Word. God’s Spirit and His Word are millions of time more potent than any of the weapons of the enemy. God will also take away all bitterness and frustrations from your heart and fill you with His joy even in the midst of severe battles. The Lord gives you the strength to remain quiet rather than create commotions and outcries. He will give you the rest that you need in your soul in the midst of all the battles that the enemy is waging against you. He will lead you in His light and will give you great assurances through His Word to deal in each situation. Your silence in His presence is most valuable and will be rewarded with right deliverance at the right time because your Lord works for you even when you are silent. So let us today take courage and be strong in the Lord and in His abundant grace to remain silent and wait for Him to send His deliverance for us in His time.

Psalms 37:7 – Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.

Thought for Today

The silence of God’s children in the wake of intimidation is far more powerful than any of the weapons that the enemy uses.

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