Verse for Today: Wednesday, May 04, 2011
John 4:13 – Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again”.

Thirst is a reality in human life. There is thirst in the mind for knowledge and in the body for water. There is also a thirst in the heart for the creator. The world offers different substances to quench these different thirsts. As we are drained out, we need to hydrate ourselves often with what we choose. But Jesus gives the water of eternal life which will quench the thirst of the heart and the soul and will influence the thirst of the mind also. Jesus Himself is the Living Water and He satisfies each and every craving of man. He will soak us and dip us into His person, and the knowledge of Him gives us what we need to be eternally satisfied. Once a person tastes Him, there won’t be any need to go to any other source to satisfy the inner thirst. Jesus, the Living Water, is the embodiment of all the goodness of God and He satisfies every need of the human heart and mind qualitatively. But the world which is well known for manipulating our minds promotes different things like possessions, positions and prominence which creates temporal satisfaction, but the more we drink of it, the more we would desire it. When Jesus gives peace, the world gives sleeping pills to sleep. When Jesus provides joy, the world gives entertainment and worldly wisdom for satisfaction which have proved to be temporary and leaves people more empty and thirsty. The world gives people worldly achievement and success which have temporary impact in their lives and leaves them with new desire for more and more of it. The world also gives wealth, fame and prestige which will make people go for more and more of it. Thus all that the world gives to satisfy man’s thirst will create more thirst for the same thing which will make man exasperated and disillusioned through addiction without lasting joy and peace. But Jesus satisfies the soul and the heart of man with Heavenly and eternal goodness of God like peace, joy, love and contentment in life.

Dear friend, what are you craving for in life? Is your desire focused on the world and its never-satisfying temporal things? All who have gone that way have been immersed into disillusionment because what the world offers never gives lasting satisfaction. It gives only an illusion and a false sense of satisfaction. But what Jesus gives lasts forever. The heavenly wisdom that He gives far outweighs the temporal knowledge this world gives which ends with our lives here on earth. But our spiritual wisdom will be with us throughout eternity. It starts with the knowledge of Jesus the Holy One. He gives peace to those who go through conflicts and confusions in life. He gives joy which is unspeakable in spite of circumstances, possessions, positions and prominence in the world. He makes us focused on what we are given that we will not loose. He gives friendship and fellowship for the weary and the lonely. He gives joy that is not based on what a person has, but on knowing and having the companionship of Jesus in the earthly sojourn. Jesus assures that if we drink the Living Water, we will not be thirsty again for the temporal things in life. When God lives in our hearts and thoughts, He will fill us with Himself to the extent to which we develop apathy for those temporal things which make us spiritually sick and weak. But we have to make conscious choice and effort to know God and keep desiring more of His goodness. It comes from the reading and meditating of the Word of God and having communion with Him through His indwelling Spirit. It comes from spending quality time with the Lord in His holy presence and in fellowship with His people. Such a life of fullness of the Lord and His Word will become a spring of Living Water in us towards those whose lives are like parched ground, thirsting for eternal satisfaction. Will your life today be a stream and a spring of the Water of Life so that it would be a blessing to others around you?

John 7:38 – He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, “From His innermost being will flow rivers of living water”.

Thought for Today
Jesus quenches our thirst eternally whereas the world creates deeper and unquenchable thirst in us for temporal things to finally leave us in disillusionment.

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