Verse for Today: Monday, February 07, 2011
Exodus 14:15 – Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the Israelites to move on”.

There are times when God’s people reach a point of no return. If they continue to linger with complaints, unbelief, doubt, fear and frustration, soon the enemy will follow and devour them. They are not expected to stay with hesitation at the points of no return. They should not waste their time and energy, look back and wonder why God has brought them to this point. The Lord wants them not to stop on the way and take a look around to see if the enemy is following them. He expects them to keep going. It is good to cry to the Lord on the way and put our absolute trust in the Lord for onward journey, but it is not a time to slow down to look at the circumstances and to invite doubts and unbelief. The hindrance in front of us is only earthly, and will subdue to the power of God which is with us. We are traveling on the basis of the promises of Almighty God who is the source of all power and strength to fulfill the promises. If He can deliver us from the greatest world empire, He can definitely rescue us from any impending roadblocks. These roadblocks are brought to our attention only to renew our trust in the Lord. When we see the stumbling block, all we need to do is to entrust it along with all its consequences to the Lord and keep going. The Lord has given the promise that we will reach Canon and nothing in this universe will be able to stop us from reaching our destination. Surely there will be roadblocks created by the enemy. Sometimes the Lord also takes us through His creation like the Red Sea or the Sea of Galilee, but He is with us and He has gone before us to pave the way through these. He is the One who walks on the water and holds the waters of all the oceans of this earth in the palm of His hand. So these roadblocks can best be a test of our faith and so we should step forward by faith.

Dear friend, are you at a point of no return and are fearful of the roaring sea in front of you and the armies of the enemy which are following you? Is there doubt in your heart as you look back? Does the water wall in front of you terrorize you to paralysis? But you are not to look back to see if the enemy is following you or look at the water wall of the Red Sea in front of you and focus your attention on these. You are given light through the clouds for the day and the night, and you need to walk as the clouds travel in front of you. No matter what is on the way as a roadblock, it is only earthly and not heavenly. These roadblocks are either to terrify you to retreat or test to see how firm a foundation you have in your heart to believe in the promises of God to keep going. Please know that doubts and confusions will never come from the Spirit of God, but only from the enemy. The enemy will set up the circumstances to terrify you and cause doubt. But the Lord wants you to look up and see the guiding clouds and keep going. If you take your eyes off the guiding clouds, you will see hindrances which will break you down. Your spiritual enthusiasm need to continue to be ignited with the promises of God. You should not waste your energy to cry in desperation and unbelief, but trust joyfully in the power and promise of God. Remember, you need not be concerned about the Red Sea or other roadblocks until you take the first step into it. At that time, the Lord will put your feet on dry ground. Until you take your first step of faith, you don’t need to expect a miraculous and mysterious passage in sight. This mysterious passage which the Lord has already prepared for you is to be seen by faith and it ought to strengthen you to take the first step of faith. The Lord will prepare the ground for the second step after you take the first, and then the third and so on. If you can trust your God for your eternity, what blocks you from trusting Him for each of the steps that you need to take in your sojourn. So dear friend, honor the Lord by believing in His promises and keep moving by taking the first step of faith. This is not the time to stop because of fear of the roadblocks, but a time to keep moving forward even through the most powerful and intimidating roadblocks in the power of our Lord. As He has promised, we shall cross over and reach the other side of the sea, and from there we have miles to go by trusting the same Lord and the same power. Yes, we shall overcome all these blocks by His power.

Romans 4:20 & 21 – Yet with respect to the promise of God, (Abraham) did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and fully assured that what God had promised He was able also to perform.

Thought for Today
The promise of God overrules all the intimidating and scary roadblocks confronted by His people.

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