Rock of all grace!
Verse for Today: Monday, January 7, 2013
Psalms 18:31 – For who is God beside the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God?
A shattered and battered person always looks for refuge, stability and firm footing. The only footing that gives him firmness and strength is an immovable rock because rocks do not stagger in wind, wave or storm. Such a rock is our God who is the Lord of our lives. He is the unchanging Rock of Ages who has never moved away from His character and promises. All through the ages, millions have come to this Rock for shelter, refuge and dwelling and He has not resented any one of them. He is unfathomably vast in size and awesome in strength so as to accommodate all who come to trust Him. This Rock is Jesus our Lord who makes Himself available to all who carry burdens to unload it all on Him. He carries us and our loads at the same time. So we do not need to carry the load ourselves. When we are shattered and blown out by the wind of circumstances, situations and events, we can hold on to Him. Jesus our Rock invites us to go to Him with all our burdens, problems, shortages, heartaches, tensions, distress, disappointments and discouragements in life. This Rock has honey for our nourishment and pure water of life for our thirst. Once we stand on this Rock, our feet will not drag. Trust in Him will take away our fears and apprehension about our standing. All other ground is sinking sand which will swallow our lives and hope slowly but steadily. But Jesus our Rock will give us firm footing in all our circumstances and situations. Our Rock of Ages will help us to rejoice in the privilege to depend on Him and trust Him. We do not need to look for any other place and person to go to because there is no shadow of doubt and confusion about His capacity and strength to keep us safe, secure and firm.

Dear reader, is your life tossed around like a shattering and battering leaf against the wind and the storms that blow against you? Are you blown in the wind of ill-health, unemployment, financial crisis, gossip, false accusation or misunderstanding? Is there a storm of discouragement and frustration which is battering your confidence and courage? If you look for solace in the sinking mire of this world system with its expertise, technology, education, wisdom, knowledge, wealth and strategies, you will be grossly disheartened. Those who depend on the world system will only be under its bondage without ever resolving their concerns and meeting their needs. But if you depend on Jesus, the Rock of Ages, you will be restored to true spiritual realities of life. Today He wants you to depend on Him for all your needs, situations and circumstances. If you trust Him fully, He will place you firmly on His power, strength, grace and benevolence. He is the never changing Jesus who holds you by your hand and leads you onward to greater vistas of life for His glory. He meets all your needs and accomplishes all your aspirations for Him. He is the same yesterday and today and forever in His promises, presence and providence. No one ever cares for you like Him. He has all the resources you need to live a life of contentment. As you stand on Him and His promises, there is no need to have anxiety or fear about your present and future affairs which are all secure in Him. Today you are assured of the grace of the never changing Jesus who makes you firm and unwavering in your changing circumstances.
Deuteronomy 32:4 – (The Lord) is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He.

Thought for Today
When I stand firm on the Rock of Ages, my foes like fear, anxiety and distress flee from me.

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