Verse for Today: Friday, February 04, 2011
Exodus 2:1 – Now a man of the house of Levi married a Levite woman.

The situations which people go through make a big difference in their lives. Situations are most often limiting factors for people to take bold steps forward because unfavourable situations and circumstances are often taken as red signals by people. But when someone takes bold steps to go forward in spite of situations and circumstances, it shows their courage and confidence in life. When we observe the lives of the Biblical characters who were used of the Lord, we find that many of them took bold decisions in the wake of most difficult circumstances. The parents of Moses were two such people who put their faith and trust in the Lord. They lived at a time when raising a family, especially with a male child, was unthinkable for Israelites. But this couple trusted God to look after their child. They believed in a God who would even use the cry of a child to accomplish His purpose. Even the deep waters of river Nile did not cause any alarm for them because they trusted in the God who created the waters of the longest river in the world. We can today praise God for the parents of Moses who had the faith, confidence and boldness to raise a family and to leave the consequences to the Lord. Their simple faith was honored by the Lord who gave them victory and prepared the way for Moses to be raised in the palace rather than in the household of a suffering and persecuted Israelite under the tyranny of Egypt. These parents are a great challenge for us today to trust God even in our most difficult circumstances and to have the faith in the Lord to look after the consequences of our steps of faith. The object of the faith of these parents was the Lord who made all the difference in their lives. God honored their faith to see to it that their son would become the savior of Israelites and the mighty instrument God used to deliver His people from the slavery of Egypt.

Dear friend, are you living in circumstances which are perilous and fearful? Do you experience uncertainty every where you go? Is your situation life-threatening and intimidating? But even in such horrifying circumstances, rest assured that your Lord is with you. He understands your situation with all its dangers. He is over and above all circumstances. He is the Lord of the circumstances. He is the God of the dens of lions and the Lord of the fiery furnace which the world prepares for His children. He is the God of the Red Sea and Marah. He opens the dark dungeons for His children to take them to His eternal purpose. He takes them through the storms, wind, waves and shipwreck. He establishes the dignity of a family through converting water into wine. He feeds thousands even in the midst of a desert, and with meager substances. If we trust this Lord even in the midst of waves, He will enable us to rule over the waves by helping us to walk over it, as He did for Peter. But if we look at the waves instead of the Lord, we might sink into the deep waters of circumstances. Let us today allow ourselves to be challenged by the faith of the parents of Moses to trust God to go forward rather than be pulled back by the fierce circumstances. Let us believe that our Lord is also the Lord of all circumstances, and prove it by taking giant steps forward. Let us trust Him to rule and overrule our circumstances to take us forward to accomplish His purpose in and through us. Let us believe that even in the worst of circumstances, the Lord will use us to glorify His name if we go forward by faith.

Psalms 56:3 – When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.

Thought for Today
God rules and overrules circumstances to accomplish His purpose in His children even in the worst scenarios of life.

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