Ruler of swelling seas!
Verse for Today: Saturday, April 21, 2012
Psalms 89:9 – You rule the swelling of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them.
It is the nature of sea to swell at unexpected times. When it swells, there is no force on earth which can contain its power. It is much worse when the sea of life swells to unexpected proportions. Scores of lives have been destroyed by its swelling nature. Unexpected turn of events come to sweep away the lives of even innocent people. There is very little that man can do to predict its swelling and to contain it. But our God is powerful enough to contain any swelling of the seas of life. We encounter difficult situations and circumstances in life at unexpected times. These come in the form of ill-health, business failure, job loss, misunderstandings by others, financial difficulties, rejection by dear ones, isolation by others and related emotional disorders. But our Lord is the ruler of the seas of life with its swellings. He knows it in advance as He is the God of all wisdom and knowledge. He knows all our emerging situations from the beginning to the end. And He controls our situations to give us peace and rest. Sometimes He allows us to go through the storms and waves and come out of it unharmed. Apostle Paul had to go through swelling seas a few times, but the Lord made him come out unaffected. There were others like Job, David, Daniel, Joseph and Peter who had to go through the storms of the swelling seas of life, but the Lord was with them in the storms and brought them out victoriously. We have a God who is the ruler of every swelling of the sea of life. The Psalmist comforts himself in his prayer that he is looked after by the Lord who is in control of all his circumstances including the experiences of the swelling seas and the rising waves and storms. Such care from the Lord gives us the courage, strength, peace and confidence to keep going and keep trusting in the might of the Lord to face the realities of every day life.
Dear friend, are you in the mouth of a wave at the swelling of the seas of every day life? Are you being tossed around by the emerging billows and storms in life? Are the waves and the storms around you making you fearful and are you loosing confidence? But there is no need for you to be afraid because your Lord who is the ruler of the swelling seas is with you. He has the power to stop the mouth of any powerful wave. In fact, our Lord walked over the waves to demonstrate to us to walk with Him, to avert any fear or anxiety about our circumstances. He wants to show us today that with Him we will have victory over all our adversities and unfavorable circumstances. He shows us through His Word that He will be with us just as He was with Daniel in the lion’s den and the three Hebrew youth in the furnace. He was with Jonah while he was in the belly of the big fish. He dwelt with David in the cave. He was with Joseph in the pit and in the dungeon. He was the companion with Elijah while he was sitting near the brook of Cherith. He was with Moses while he as in the papyrus basket among the reeds along the bank of the river Nile. He waged the war against the Amalakites with Gideon. He was with Mordecai while Haman made gallows for him. He built the walls of Jerusalem alongside of Nehemiah. He was with the disciples in the boat when a storm hit them. He is our God who is with us in all our storms and even while our seas of life swell. He covers us with Himself so that no harm would come our way. Today we can trust Him to rule over all the storms and swells of the sea of our lives.
Psalms 89:17 – For You are Your people’s glory and strength, and by Your favour You exalt our horn.
Thought for Today
Don’t complain that the powerful waves and storms are approaching us, but rebuke the waves and the storms in the power of our LORD.
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