Safety, Security and Protection

Verse for Today: Thursday, December 23, 2010

Psalms 91:4 – He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.

It is absolutely definite that the Lord is our protection and stronghold. When we live in the shelter of the Almighty, we are covered by His glory which cannot be penetrated by any other force in this universe. He protects us like a mother bird carefully protects its chicks. Unless the enemy penetrates through the mother bird, the young ones cannot be touched. It is also true that those who try to touch us actually try our Lord who is our wall of protection. His faithfulness with regard to His promises is also far above even the iota of doubt of any kind. When the Lord is our refuge and protector, He is the ultimate safeguard against the wiles of the enemy. So when a child of God lives under the wings of the Lord, there is no greater safety and security. The reassurance of protection that we enjoy from the presence of Lord is unparalleled. So we are always safe in the arms of the Lord. This safety is our privilege and inheritance as the children of God. The heavenly hosts of our Lord are appointed to look after us in the physical sense and they encompass around us all the time. Such protection is ours because we are the precious possession of the Lord bought with the highest price that could be attributed to any object in this universe. This price is the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ which He gave for us so that we can be secured for Him eternally. Along with Him as His gift to us, the Father in Heaven has given us all protection, safety, provisions for daily living, caring and love. Our responsibility it is to enjoy these privileges and live for His glory on a daily basis.

Dear friend, do you enjoy the security that is given to you under the shadow of the Almighty? It is security for our souls and our bodies because along with our souls, our bodies are also purchased at Calvary. So in all our dealings and movements, we should have this awareness that we are not our own, but are purchased with the price of the blood of the Lamb. We should understand the preciousness that is attached to us by the Lord. We need not have any fear for life while here on earth because we are eternally secure in Him. We should also enjoy the safety that is granted to us because we live in His presence and that He treats us as sheep that are carried in His hands and on His shoulders. We are protected like the young ones of a mother bird with love and we sit close to the heart of the Lord for maximum security. Who can separate us from the Lord and His love? But the enemy will try his best to detract us from sitting close to the Lord. The enemy is very crafty and he will try to develop pride in us so that we would want to take our protection and safety in our own hands. This is the sure way to destruction which we should carefully keep away from. No matter how mature a believer you are, you should never feel self sufficient and arrogant about your own capacity to protect yourself. No matter how much experience you have in spiritual matters, it will not protect you from the enemy. But only total dependence on the Lord will give you the protection you need. Today let us draw closer to the Lord and enjoy the protection He gives us on a daily and minute by minute basis. His protection also includes His wonderful provisions for us to live a life of contentment and satisfaction which the sheep of His pastures enjoy. Because the Lord is our Shepherd, we have everything that we need to live a peaceful and anxiety-free life here on earth for His glory.

Psalms 36:7 – How precious is Your loving kindness, O God! And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.

Thought for Today
We are expected to appropriate the safety and security given to us on a daily basis through total dependence on the Lord and His resources.

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