Satisfaction in His person and presence!

Verse for Today: Saturday, August 27, 2011

Psalms 65:4 –
How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You to dwell in Your courts. We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple.

God envisages His children to have deep hunger and thirst for Him and His presence. He creates this longing in His children through His Spirit and helps them to draw near unto Him. Their desire stems from the realization He gives them in their hearts that there is no satisfaction outside of Him. The world system promises satisfaction and happiness which it cannot deliver because all its resources are earthly and bound to decay over a period of time. They create a longing for more of it and so people tend to go after it to end up in perennial dissatisfaction. All that the world promises to give is only advertising gimmick. The world does not have the capacity to satisfy the inner longings of human hearts because man’s ultimate desire is for his Creator. But God promises deep and permanent satisfaction and He is capable of fulfilling it. He has all that it takes for man to be truly contended. God has the peace that passes all understanding to give to a world in turmoil. He gives joy unlimited in all circumstances. He gives patience when we want to react impulsively. He bestows rest and sleep for those who put their affairs in His hands. He reveals His glory to those who seek after Him in His Holy Word. He comforts the troubled. He wipes the tears of those who cry unto Him and weep in His presence. He invites His children to live permanently in His presence where they will find fullness of joy and pleasures forever. He is their Jehovah-Jireh in all their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. He never alters His promises. His promises are as powerful as He is and what He promises will be fulfilled no matter how complicated the circumstances are. He has chosen us to live in His presence forever without going to any other field to glean. He has wonderful plans for us and will fulfill it all in His time. He expects us to keep on trusting Him for all our needs and go to His presence to rest in His Word. There is a guarantee that we will be fully satisfied if we dwell in His presence.

Dear friend, what are you searching for today? If you are seeking for that which will never be taken away from you, you will find it in the presence of the Lord. He has given it all to you, but He expects you to appropriate it from His presence by faith in Him. He wants us to leave our personal capacities, worldly knowledge and resources behind us and have them crucified, and trust Him for all our needs. He will work in all your needs only when we trust Him fully. He works through faith and not through sight. When our capacities are crucified and killed, His capacity starts to work for us. If we can trust Him for our eternity, we should also be able to trust Him for our day-to-day needs. If He is sufficient for our eternity, He should be more than sufficient for our daily needs. When He gives, it comes with guaranteed satisfaction. As we enjoy His gifts, our craving will not be for what He gives, but for Him. This is how we forget our earthly needs, but get ourselves lost in His all sufficiency. So it will be no wonder if we go to His presence and forget to ask for our material needs, but be satisfied by Him. Today let us focus on the Lord and the peace that His presence gives us and leave our needs for Him to look after. Let us desire Him more and more in our lives and ask that He fills us with His glory which will overshadow all our mundane material cravings here on earth. Let our prayers be for the Lord to reveal His magnificence to our souls and then all the mundane things that we need for daily living will be added unto us.

Psalms 63:5 – My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise You.

Thought for Today

When God gives satisfaction unlimited, the world gives dissatisfaction unlimited.

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