Verse for Today: Saturday, February 12, 2011
Deuteronomy 33:27 – The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

The God we believe in is eternal and He has been the central focus of all recorded history. So when God’s people look at God, He has always been there with all His attributes. One of the greatest attributes of God that has become most meaningful to God’s people is that He has always been the refuge of His people. God has given refuge to all His children who put their trust in Him all through human history. He never forsakes any one, in spite of their failures and lack of faithfulness. He keeps forgiving all His penitent children and showering grace to abound in their lives. He proves His faithfulness, love and grace to His children by providing safety, security and protection to them in all circumstances. His children are kept in His everlasting arms which are always underneath all His children. His arms are most powerful to accomplish His purposes in the lives of His children. He used these arms to create man and when man committed sin, the same arms made a dress for man and his wife with animal skin. He fought wars for His children with the same arms. He intervenes in nature to help the cause of His children with the same arms. He carries us in those powerful arms and puts His arms of love around us when we feel down and out. His arms carry us when we are unable to walk. His arms touch us when we are weak, sick, sorrowful and depressed. His arms feed us when we are hungry. These same arms wipe our tears when we weep before Him. His arms are our refuge, strength, comfort and security against all evil. He has been serving His children through the centuries with His arms which will be with us till the end of our sojourn here on earth. His arms will reward us at His Judgment Seat (Bema). How fortunate we are that these everlasting arms are with us all the time!

Dear friend, you are fortunate to be able to enjoy the comfort and encouragement of the everlasting arms of our Lord today and all the days of your life. The Lord leads us with His everlasting arms and we can walk with Him holding these everlasting arms. These arms are always at work to protect and provide for His children. His arms portray His strength which is sufficient for all situations and needs of His children. He holds His staff and rod in His arms so that we can be relieved of our fears, and corrected in our times of lapses. His staff keeps us together in His company as one flock under one Shepherd. We are held in His arms like a mother holds her baby because we are so precious for Him. Today as we look at these hands, we can find nail prints on them which He holds as the mark of ownership of all of us because He secured us for Himself through these nail prints. We were once upon a time sick with sin, but He allowed His body to be plowed so that we would be healed through those stripes. Today our beloved Lord opens His arms to show us how much He loves us and asks us to go to Him with all our needs, problems, difficulties, weaknesses, failures and fears. He promises that His arms will be sufficient to keep us close to Him and give us refuge from all the attacks that we face from the enemy of our souls. Let us allow these everlasting arms of the Lord to lead us forward even today and forevermore.

Isaiah 40:11 – He tends His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young.

Thought for Today
The sense of security offered by the Everlasting Arms eliminates all fears and apprehensions.

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