Showers of Strength in the Fortress

Verse for Today: Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Psalms 59:9 – O my strength, I watch for You; You, O God, are my fortress, my loving God.

Once we know the Lord who is the true source of divine strength, we need to look at that source alone and nowhere else. When we know the Lord who is our divine fortress, we can to go to that fortress and rest in times of trouble. The Lord fills us with His divine strength in times of our weaknesses. He is our fortress in times of distress. God expects us to look unto Him and to watch and wait for Him to send us strength when we are weak. We are prone to be weak physically, emotionally and spiritually and are prone to discouragement. It is at our weak moments that we are more severely attacked by the enemy. These attacks are often channeled through the people we deal with and through our situations. We have the great comfort that no matter what kind of attack we are subjected to, we can look unto the Lord. There is deliverance and strength flowing from Him to us in all situations. He cares for us because He loves us like the apple of His eyes. We are redeemed by the very blood of God’s only begotten Son and so we are precious to Him. His strength is made available for our use. His strength abounds in our weakness. Only when we empty ourselves of our own self and natural strength will we feel the necessity to go to Him and ask for His strength. The Psalmist is a good example for us to follow in his craving for the Lord and His strength to fortify him to fight his battles and to enjoy the protection and care of the Lord who has been his fortress.

Dear reader, have you lately felt the need for the strength of the Lord for your daily life? Are you right now in need of the security and safety of the fortress of His love? You can find security and rest only in the Lord Jesus who alone can take away all your fears and give you peace in the context of the attack of the enemy? David suggests that the only way to gain strength is to go unto the Lord who looks at you with His love. He loves you as His precious child and is keen to pour His strength on to you. He would not force it on you, but would rather encourage you to go to Him and ask for it. He wants you to know that He is the source of all security and strength which you are badly in need of. So you are today encouraged to look unto Him and receive His strength in your body, soul and spirit. He will fill you with confidence and courage in times of severe tests and tribulations. His Spirit will empower and endow you with power from above to weather away the psychological intimidation of the enemy to drain your confidence from you. But if you put your confidence in the Lord, you will not be shaken by the fierce attacks and threats of the enemy. Your heart will find comfort, rest and peace in the Lord. You will be filled with His Spirit who is the Spirit of peace and joy in spite of your circumstances. All you need to do is to look unto the author and finisher of your faith and He will supply you with the necessary strength for each moment according to the needs of your situations. If we look unto the Lord, we will never be disappointed because He will not let us go empty handed. It is our privilege today to look unto the Lord and gain strength to go forward and become victorious in today’s battles. He will shower newer grace and necessary strength for tomorrow’s battle at the right time. Remember, the Lord is with you in all your situations and will never leave you alone.

Psalms 18:2 – The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the born of my salvation, my stronghold.

Thought for Today

When I am willing to admit my weaknesses to the Lord, He will shower His strength on me.

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