Song of deliverance!
Verse for Today: Sunday, January 20, 2013
Psalms 40:3 – He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.

Faith in God can transform a crying saint to a singing sojourner. The wallowing sufferer will then sing hymns and sweet songs of deliverance and salvation. It is a song of praise to God for all that God has done for the singer. But it is also a song of praise for all the experience that he has gone through. Something great has happened in the life of David as he sang this song because his experience of the pit and the miry clay has shown him the ways of deliverance of the Lord. We often wait for destination happiness and forget the process we pass through. But if we focus on the process, we will be able to see the mighty hands of our Lord in His ministry of protection, deliverance and restoration. Thus we do not need to wait till we reach the destination to thank God, but praise Him each step of our way. God’s ministry of deliverance is motivated by His love and compassion towards us. His deliverance also shows us the extent of His grace to us. God’s grace starts by picking us up, washing us with the blood of the Lamb and putting the fragrance of His Holy Spirit in our souls. Not only that, He dresses us up with the cloth of His righteousness with which we appear as if we have never even once fallen in the pit. Thus our new appearance gives us sufficient reasons to sing for God and praise Him for all that He has done for us and all that He does for us on each day of our lives. When the onlookers see the drastic change in us from our former hopeless situation, they will experience the fear of God in their hearts and will want to put their trust in God. Our new life speaks louder to those who are in hopelessness that there is hope for them too if they come to the Lord who is our deliverer.

Dear friend, is there a drop of tear in your eyes and anguish in your soul because of the various burdens you are bearing? Today is the day of salvation for your soul because the Lord has seen your pitiful estate and heard your bitter and agonizing cry. He wants to straighten out your life and put you on the right track. He will wipe away your past pain and misery and put on you the attire of a prince or a princess. The Lord wants to transform your life in such a way that your weeping will be replaced with singing and dancing for all that has happened in your life. He wants to turn your hopeless situation into one of eternal hope. Each step you are helped to take is a matter of praise. Each day in your life becomes a day of victory and accomplishment towards the next step through the Lord’s mercy and grace. Your heart thus becomes a spring of praise. Your life of victory becomes an object lesson for others around you to understand what God can and will do for them if they trust Him and cry unto Him to transform their lives. You may not be a musician, but your soul will song a sweet song of salvation to the Lord for the grace, love and compassion showered upon you. Today the song in your soul is also a gift to you from Jesus who is the theme of all songs in heaven. We start singing in this life and will continue to sing along in heaven the sweet song of the redeemed. He will wipe away all our tears and comfort us with His own hands just as a mother comforts her baby.

Psalms 33:3 – Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.

Thought for Today
The amazement of the great deliverance we enjoy produces the spiritual song of praise in our souls.

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