Spiritual Garden!
Verse for Today: Saturday, July 13, 2013
Genesis 2:8 – Now the Lord had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there He put the man He had formed.

It was God’s design that man should live in the perfection of a garden which He had planted. The Garden of Eden was perfect in all its dimensions including size, acoustics, food, water from the rivers which flew through it and was the most secure place. Man was made its custodian, worker and benefactor. But man committed the sin of disobedience and lost the blessings and enjoyment of the Garden of Eden. Even then God didn’t forsake him forever. God gave him the opportunity to enter into the spiritual garden in heaven through the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, to dwell in His presence to enjoy all the spiritual blessings. In the new heavenly garden of God, man regained all that he lost in the Garden of Eden. Man finds the green pastures and the cool waters of God where he could dwell in perfect peace and rest in His presence. Man is not to eat the fruit of his labor anymore, but all the blessings kept for him by God because of His mercy, love and grace. But it is imperative that man appropriates all these heavenly blessings by faith and enjoy it. Man thus has the privilege to enjoy God’s best to the brim. Only those who enter through Jesus will ever reach the heavenly garden of perfect spiritual blessings. The blessings are available to them by faith only. It gives them confident living with full trust in God and His promises. Unfortunately a lot of people lose track of the extent of the richness of these blessings because their eyes become dim as they gaze at the seemingly attractive mirages of the Vanity Fair. Today we have the privilege to enter the dwelling place of our Lord to appropriate and enjoy all His resources to meet all our emotional, physical, social and spiritual needs.

Dear reader, are you experiencing dissatisfaction and bitterness in life as you search and seek after contentment? Are you deeply frustrated and distressed about the lack of satisfaction that you experience in life? Remember, there is no scope for true satisfaction in this world which is full of conflicts, competition, corruption, decay, pain, misery, cheating and failures. The world can only bewilder us and make our lives hopeless and worthless, with a false sense of achievement. The world gives us lukewarm water from its broken cisterns which will only increase our thirst and make us sick in our souls. But we do not need to wallow in the corridors of world’s false promises and live a bitter life of ever increasing discontent. Jesus has opened a way for us to enter into His presence and live in the richness of the glories of heaven. It is like a garden with all the goodness that we crave. God’s presence will take away our fears, anxieties, hopelessness, purposelessness and discontent and fill us with His perfect peace. Everything that our souls need to live a contended life here on earth will be given to us at the right measure if we seek after it. If we search for that which will meet our innermost needs, we will find it. If we ask, He will give us what we need to keep us at perfect peace in Him. When we accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord, His heavenly blessings become our right which we can appropriate by faith. Thus our defeated lives will become victorious. Our fearful lives will become joyful and peaceable. Our failures will be replaced with victory in Jesus. Our dimmed eyes will be filled with the vision of bright hope. Today let us go to the Throne of Grace where our Slain Lamb is seated, and appropriate His fullness by faith and use it to live victoriously.

Ephesians 1:3 – Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.   

Thought for Today
The spiritual blessings we enjoy are perfect, incorruptible and immeasurable.

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