Spiritual Prosperity Plan!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Jeremiah 29:19 – “For I know the plans I have about you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.
The declaration God Almighty made centuries back about Israel, His people, is relevant to us today. Some of the painful events and experiences they went through made them feel that they were abandoned by God. But those were intended to be learning experiences for them to know their Lord and His ways. When they did not walk according to His will, He disciplined them. In order to keep them away from getting destroyed, He sent them through ways which were far away from their comfort zones for some time. But these were ways by which He taught them to walk by faith and according to His will. Today the Lord declares that He has a great plan for all His children and He wants to take us through His route according to His will. His ways are mysterious to us and we sometimes wonder what good will come out of a difficult terrain through which He takes us. There might be steep hills and deep valleys on the way and there can be crooked bends which scare us off and rough patches which hurt our feet. But these are experiences the Lord has planned for us to learn to walk by faith and not by sight. He teaches great lessons of faith and trust on hard surfaces of life. His way is the way of the cross where mockery, ridicule, criticism, abuse, misunderstanding, misrepresentation, misinterpretations, misjudgment, gossip, cruel plots, depravity and even poverty await His children. These experiences teach us that our Lord leads us through these storms, waves, fire and flood to make us strong in our faith and to develop ardent loyalty in our hearts for Him and His ways. He teaches us how to be able to praise Him in and for all our experiences, whether they are comfortable or otherwise. His plans are for our ultimate spiritual welfare and prosperity and not for temporary material prosperity and worldly welfare which will pass away.
Dear reader, are you going through a time of severe testing of your faith as you walk along with Jesus today? Is the road you are treading rough and tough? Are the sudden bends and contours of the way scaring you and taking away your confidence? Open your eyes to see your loving Lord walking with you by holding your hands. He is taking you through the rough weather to teach you that you don’t walk anymore by the weatherman’s assurances, but by faith in the power, strength and resources of your Lord. When He holds your hand, no matter how rough the way, you will not flatter. This read itself is a class room in faith and you need to trust your Lord to help you take every step. Remember, you are walking according to the plans of the Almighty. He takes you through these rough roads to increase your faith and make you stronger in Him. When there is weariness on the way, you can lean on to the Lord for comfort and strength. He doesn’t want you to see more than a step at a time. He wants you to wait for His light to shed on the way for you to see the next step. He reassures you of every ensuing step through His presence. He has promised to take you to the end because He is the author and finisher of your faith. He focuses on your spiritual welfare and not your worldly prosperity. Till you reach your eternal Home, you are assured that He will meet all your mundane needs in order to facilitate your walk to please Him. Today your Lord comes to reassure you of His great plan for you to prosper spiritually and make you a giant of faith.
Psalms 139:17 – How precious to me are your thoughts, O God; how vast is the sum of them!
Thought for Today
God’s thoughts and plans for us are for us to prosper in the spiritual realms of life while He looks after all our needs in the emotional and physical realms.
For further spiritual help and prayer support, contact: todayintheword@gmail.com