Spiritual Refurbishment!

Verse for Today: Thursday, August 18, 2011

Psalms 51:18 –
In Your good pleasure make Zion prosper; build up the walls of Jerusalem.

We live in a world which thinks that prosperity is in the material and physical realms and in accomplishments. But these realms of prosperity are short-lived and end with our life on earth. True and lasting prosperity is in the spiritual realm where the inner person grows and becomes stronger in wisdom, knowledge, faith and confidence in the Lord. Prosperity in the physical realm is generally achieved by people who are smart, wise, cunning and tactful. But these ways do not work to achieve prosperity in the spiritual realm. It is a gift by the Lord which we need to appropriate by spending time in the presence of God with the Word of God. It presupposes a deep thirst for the brooks of God and enquiring into the secrets of God. It comes only when a child of God is willing to sacrifice the temporal things for the eternal. It involves the knowledge about the broken walls of character and commitment in the lives of God’s people and the efforts taken to rebuild the broken walls. Often our walls are penetrated by the enemy of our souls through the five senses. He sends his messages of worldly fame and fortune through our eyes, ears, tongue, smell and touch which are the five sense doors we all have. Unless these doors are crucified with Christ, the enemy will use these to enter our hearts and minds to slowly but steadily tear down our walls just as the case of Jerusalem during the years of captivity. Broken walls necessarily mean serious damage done to our walls and doors. If we confess our failures and passivity and ask the Lord to help us rebuild it, He will strengthen us, give us the resources from His Word and help us refurbish our broken walls. This is the beginning of spiritual prosperity.

Dear friend, are the walls of your spiritual, family and assembly life torn down because of your lack of commitment to the Lord and your passivity, lethargy and lack of vision? It is time you take a serious look at the walls of your life with the help of the Word and the Holy Spirit. When the Lord shows you the extent of tear and the reasons for it, you need to confess it to the Lord and ask Him to give you another chance. Remember, He is the God of the second chance. He will give you a time to come back because there is always a way back to the Lord. He gave a second chance to Abraham, Jacob, Jonah, David, John Mark, Simon Peter and others to start all over again. He is willing to forgive your past failures and losses and help you to refurbish the broken walls of your life. Your spiritual prosperity is His good pleasure. He knows that you cannot rebuild the broken wall of your life all alone. He has all the spiritual resources made available to you at Christ’s expense. But it is possible that the enemy will try to distract and discourage you in the rebuilding process. While you rebuild, all your mundane needs will be met by Him according to His riches in glory. Even as you rebuild the walls, you are engaged in warfare. You will have to wear the whole armor of God while you rebuild. Your greatest strength to rebuild will come through prayer. But your focus depends on your commitment. Once you complete the refurbishing process, you need to watch over the gates of your life so that the enemy will not slip into your life again. You can also learn about rebuilding from the lives of Ezra, Nehemiah, David, Solomon. Paul, Timothy, Titus, James and others and also ask the Master Builder to help you. Of course, you are expected to live a life of austerity like Nehemiah and Paul while the building process is in progress, and be satisfied with the minimum. Let your attention be on the rebuilding process rather than on material prosperity which will disappear as vapor. If you commit the building process to the Lord, He is willing to help you complete it for His glory.

Philippians 2:13 – For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

Thought for Today

The way to accomplish great things in life is to allow God free hand according to His will and pleasure.

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