Steadfast and immovable!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, November 08, 2011
1 Corinthians 15:58 – Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.
Life on earth is full of unpredictable and subtle turn of events which often make us appalled and exasperated. We are sometimes caught unaware of big changes in our lives which leave us in bewilderment. These subtle changes bring in a whole lot of new pathways with unique challenges that we have never trod before. These challenges give us new burdens and heartaches which we are unable to bear. Even to think about such eventualities make us dizzy at times. But for God’s children, there is hope to go forward in such uncertain and unexpected circumstances because our Lord is with us in all our circumstances. Just as He cannot be moved by any circumstance because He is above all of it, we also need not be moved or feel slippery. This is an experience we need to appropriate by faith. If we trust in the Lord that He is with us in our changed situations and that He will carry us forward, we need not be moved or shaken. We can go forward in a steadfast way. As we remain and abide in the Lord, we need to continue to do what the Lord has started in and through us. Whatever ministries we are involved in must continue because our toil for the Lord even in the midst of shocking situations will never be in vain. We can plough the field while wiping our tears. We can sow the seeds with burdens in our hearts. We can help those who go through burdens even as we carry our own burdens. As we seek healing from the Lord in our souls, we can touch other lives and help them to be whole again. Yes, we might go through mighty wind, strong waves and high tide, but our Lord is in our boat and so we can go forward with courage and confidence. Because He walks over the difficult waters of the lake of life, we can also walk with Him on the troubled waters. He will help us to be steadfast, immovable and involved in touching other lives even when the situations around us are shaky.
Dear reader, are you shaken and moved because of the abrupt changes in your situations? Are there big mountains that you need to climb with burdens on your shoulders? Are the sudden changes in life posing great challenges for you to handle? Do you sometimes feel that the soil is slipping away from under your feet? This is the time to hold tight on the Lord and on His promises. Remember, He will not let you handle your situation all by yourself. Your Lord is in your situation with you right now. Whatever happening in your situation is known to Him and He has permitted it in your life to make you strong. Perhaps the mountains or trees that you depended so much on have been removed from your situation all on a sudden. Perhaps the people you counted on to be with you are removed from the scene without a warning. The asset you thought you would enjoy for a life time has possibly become worthless. It is likely that the job that you thought you would hold for a long time is lost without any warning. In spite of any such eventualities, Jesus is with you and He will help you to go through it. But you need to take your responsibilities to your kith and kin and to the Lord and so need to go forward. Your Lord will paddle your canoe of life even through the waves and the wind. He will cover you with His love and grace when you are in the furnace of agony, bereavement and pain that the situation has put you in. He will not allow you to be swallowed up by your circumstances. He will give you the strength to bear it all and to help others around you also to go along with you. This is the time for you to touch the lives of those who are wounded and hurt around you and lead them forward. Your toil in the ministries that you need to take up for the sake of those who are hurting will find fruitfulness. When you submit yourself for the Lord to use you to touch other aching lives, your Lord will heal your wounds as well. What is happening in your life has created opportunity for you to minister to some weary souls today.
John 14:18 – I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
Thought for Today
Your experience of hurt and pain are God’s investment in your life to make you minister to the hurts and pains of those around you.