Straightened path!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, January 01, 2013
Isaiah 40:4 – Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.
As we look into the year that is ahead, the picture doesn’t seem very bright for nations, families and individuals. Every method that has been used to improve human life has made life more rugged. Technology has not made life easier, but more complicated. Knowledge has not increased our comforts, but has only enhanced our pain and misery. We are now filled with the negative consequences of human endeavors. Prophet Isaiah lived during such a time in history when there was no hope for the nation of Israel. They had steep valleys and tall mountains on their way. Everything around them was against them. There was no support or encouragement. The valleys and mounts in front of them terrified and discouraged them. At that difficult time in the history of Israel, God spoke through His prophet that He would raise up every valley and bring down every mountain in front of them. He would make the rough and rugged pathways straight and level miraculously and mysteriously. He would interfere in the history of the world to perform a miracle in their lives to help march forward. He would rebuild their city of hope, temple of worship and wall of protection around them. All through history, God spoke these words of encouragement to His people everywhere that He would not want His children to be discouraged, fearful and apprehensive about their forward march. As we enter into an unknown new year, God comes to us today with a message of hope, strength and encouragement for us to keep going.
Dear friend, are you apprehensive about the coming year in your life when you see dark and cloudy future in front of you? The fact that the future is unknown to you doesn’t mean that it is uncertain. Things around you might look blurred. But for the child of God there is a certainty that all things will work together for our good in the days to come. We do not need to know how it would work out in our favor, but our God knows. We can be certain that He will make it work for our good and for His glory in our lives and circumstances. When we know that our God is in absolute control of our future, we need not worry about the mechanics of it. The Captain of our ship knows best how to steer our lives through the mighty billows and winds of the sea of life. He will protect our ship from wreckage and disaster. He will give us His energy to keep going. He will be present in all our future circumstances to avert calamities and turbulence. He tramples the waves that try to swallow us. He commands the wind to stop blowing against us. He can bring to us that job which might be eluding us. He is the cure for that difficult infirmity that weakens our bodies. He will fill our hearts with His Spirit to believe on all His promises for every circumstance and need. There is at least one promise for us to claim for each day of the New Year. His faithfulness will accompany us on all the days of our lives. We do not need to look at the steepness of the valley or the height of the mountain that obstructs us from going forward. As Creator God, He can straighten out the mountains and the valleys on our way. He will keep us from being sifted by the enemy and his cunning tactics. We will pass through all the days of the upcoming year from victory to victory over our circumstances, situations, burdens and concerns. His good pleasure will be upon us and His hand of mercy will protect and provide for us.
Isaiah 49:16 – See, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands; your walls are ever before Me.
Thought for Today
When we look into the future through the eyes of faith, our pathway will look straight and smooth.
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