Strength for defense!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Psalms 59:17 – Unto You, O my Strength, will I sing; for God is my defense, and the God of my mercy.

The weak are often defenseless. They do not sing because their lives are full of losses and failures. They do not have any strength in themselves to stand straight and strong against their enemies. They seek mercy from others to survive. But to those who go to God seeking strength, defense and mercy are amply given so that they can enjoy it all and sing for the victory that they are given by God. David addressed God as his strength because he realized that he had no strength in himself. He was unable to defend himself against all his formidable enemies. He learned that he could keep going only if God showed mercy to him. David looked into himself and found his situation hopeless and pathetic. That sight prompted him to seek the help of God for grace to survive and sustain in his sojourn. When he trusted God, he realized that strength was flowing into his life from God. As a result, he saw that the most powerful enemies were falling before him and that he could defeat them in God’s name. Such victories made David to start singing great hymns of praise and faith and make a joyful noise in the presence of God. He depended on the mercy of God which was available to him to meet the needs of the hour. As David we can acknowledge that all our strength comes from God and that we have no input in it. Each day we receive such abundance of strength from the Lord that enable us to address God as our sole strength. Today God’s strength is available to those who seek after Him in the measure in which it is required for each of our situations. As God imparts His strength into us, these earthen vessels become sources of spiritual songs. But we can enjoy God’s strength if only we appropriate it by faith and put it to use in handling our situations and fighting our battles.

Dear friend, are you feeling weak and powerless in handling your complicated situations and formidable enemies? Are you weeping because of your pathetic condition and feeling defenseless? There is a powerhouse in heaven from which you can draw all the power and strength you need to meet all your challenges. But it is imperative that you drain yourself of all your self with its fleshly power which is of no use in defending yourself against the enemy. When you are drained of all your self with its power, and seek the mercy of your God to fill you with His Spirit, He will fill you with His Spirit who is the Spirit of power and strength. God’s Spirit is not the Spirit of fear and timidity, but of joy, freedom and peace. He will come in and fortify you with His mighty power and strength to defend yourself against the enemy of your soul. His power will enable you and empower you to accomplish what God has planned for you. As you are filled and empowered by the Spirit, your weeping will give way to joy and singing. You will then be able to see the great things that the Lord is doing in and through you which will cause you to sing hymns of praise and adoration. Thus God will get all glory for all that happens in your life. God fortifies you according to His mercy to you. Today God comes to fill every vacuum in our lives with His glory if we are committed to depend on His mercy and strength. His strength and power will help us to handle all our difficult situations. He will take our hopelessness away from us and brighten our pathways with His hope. His strength will enable us to face and defeat all the Goliaths of fear, anxiety, doubt, confusion, discouragement, apprehension and hopelessness.
Psalms 118:14 – The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.  

Thought for Today
God fills us with His strength to help us defend ourselves against our adversary.

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