Surrounding Firewall

Verse for Today: Sunday, January 16, 2011
Psalms 125:2 – As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people both now and for evermore.

Our God provides personal protection for all His children. He surrounds them with Himself so that they will enjoy utmost protection and safety. He cares for His children especially because they are His chosen ones. He has paid the greatest price that has been paid for any transaction in the Universe to secure them for Him. He gave the very life of His Only Begotten Son to purchase them from the clutches of sin and Satan. He has made them His personal precious possession. They are in His hands and His firewall is around them to keep them safe from all forces of evil while they are in this world. God chose us out of His sovereign will and eternal plan to make us His special people to love and cherish and for continued fellowship. His protection and care of His children is illustrated through various means by the Lord including His dealings with the people of Israel. He has chosen them and promised to protect them. He has marked out Jerusalem as His city of peace where His temple existed. He chose to dwell among them in the Temple at Jerusalem. So He had great plans for Jerusalem’s protection. It was surrounded by mountains which is an illustration of the insurmountable firewall of God Himself. Jerusalem as the earthly illustration of the Heavenly City was marked out for this purpose by God before the foundation of the world was laid and its protection and safety have been guaranteed. One day soon, His Son will rule the world from Jerusalem as His earthly capital. Through God’s plan for Jerusalem, God speaks to His children that He is the protection for Jerusalem as well as for His people. When God is our protection, there is no scope for us to be fearful and anxious about our future or our security. We need to be confident and courageous about our future and our safety as we look at God’s plan for Jerusalem. We can also see that God is fulfilling His great plan for His children everywhere and He preaches the message of safety, security, care, protection, providence, progress and promotion for us to gain confidence in Him and His power for victorious daily living.

Dear friend, as God is your protection, you will see God in His glory around you. If you life up your eyes and look around, you will see the wall of protection God has erected around you. It is not a wall that divides, but a circular wall that keeps you inside. It is the best wall of safety any one can get while in this world. This wall of protection is God Himself. When God protects you, the power of God in His ultimate strength is encompassing around you all the time. This protection is a gift God has given you because you are His chosen child. He has great plans for you in this life and you will be able to accomplish it in a fearless atmosphere because Heaven has taken charge of your safety and providence for daily living. But for you to enjoy His protection, you need to open your spiritual eyes to see the presence of God in your life. You will be able to feel His presence only if you live in a continuous life of repentance. Thus when you are living in unbroken fellowship with God, you will enjoy spiritual vision to see God’s presence and protection around you. It is a spiritual exercise of faith on a daily, hourly and minute-by-minute experience that has to be renewed through continuous brokenness by the Spirit of God. Such a child of God will be humble before God and continuously thank Him for His care, and enjoy it by faith. Let us today lift up our eyes and see by faith the firewall of God’s person and protection around us. His presence with us and around us will give us the awareness of our total inadequacy, and will help us to live in utter brokenness and repentance and thus enjoy the fellowship that He wants to have with us. Such lives will see and appreciate the safety of the presence of God with us, and experience the truth that He is our Immanuel and Ebenezer moment by moment.

Psalms 31:20 – In the shelter of Your presence You hide them from the intrigues of men; in Your dwelling you keep them safe from accusing tongues.

Thought for Today
Our awareness that we are in God and in His dwelling place will guard us against doubt, confusion, fear and anxiety.

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