Verse for Today: Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Mark 1:30 – Now Simon’s mother-in-law was lying sick with a fever; and immediately they spoke to Jesus about her.

We have the freedom and prerogative to tell Jesus any problems we face. Even those problems that we cannot share with any other human being can be shared with Jesus. When we are confronted with problems, our immediate tendency is to see what we ourselves can do about it on the basis of our knowledge, skills and experience. When we exhaust all our means, our next priority is to seek professional help from outside. But that is not what Jesus expects from us. He wants us to consider Him as the answer to all our problems and to tell Him all that we go through without any reservation or hesitation. That was what Mary, the mother of our Lord, did when the wine at the wedding at Cana was exhausted. She found a marvelous and miraculous solution to the difficulty through Jesus at the right time. The sinking disciples in the storm and waves told Jesus to save them and they were able to see miraculous rescue at His word. So when the disciples found the mother-in-law of Simon sick, they just told Jesus about it. He performed a great miracle and enabled her to get up to serve them. It is amazing that they did not waste any time to try to do something of their own to revive her. When the Great Physician is available and willing to help, why should there be any other means at all? The same Jesus is with us today to handle all our problems in His own way. This ought to give us confidence and courage to take all our problems to Him and take our hands off. When we leave it to Jesus, we will be able to find His marvelous ways in our lives. We can confidently say that Jesus is with us in all that we are confronted with day after day. Today let us involve Jesus in all that we are engaged in and make Him the Lord of our problems as well.

Dear reader, is there any seemingly difficult and impossible situation in your life today that needs desperate solution? Have you attempted to do all that you could to find answers to the puzzles that are in front of you? Do you feel frustrated as you wait for a solution to come? Today you need to ask yourself whether you have taken the time to ask the Lord to handle it for you. You need to take it all to Jesus and leave it there with Him. Once you hand it over to Him, there is no need for you to be anxious about it. When He touches it, the scene will change from failure to victory. Your situation will then move from hopelessness to become one of bright hope. The solution that Jesus offers is far greater than what our human minds would anticipate or imagine. The disciples would have expected Simon’s mother-in-law to be well, but would have never expected her to quickly get up to prepare food for about 15 people. When we tell Jesus about our need without embarrassment or shame, He will come near to the problem and touch our areas of need with His hands and give us the solutions which far exceed our expectation or imagination. He is a personable Jesus who wants to get involved with our most intimate needs. He is with us and is waiting for us to take our problems to Him. His very presence with us is the opportunity He gives us to make use of Him to meet our needs. Are we waiting to attempt it ourselves first and thus wasting the opportunity to make use of Him? No matter what our sickness is today, whether it is physical, emotional, social, spiritual, economic, family-linked or relational, we need to tell it to Jesus rather than mess it up with our own indulgence. Jesus is available for us today to take our problems to Him and get a solution. Shall we do that today and get our needs met according to His status and dignity as the King of our lives?

Psalms 107:6 – Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble and He delivered them from their distress.

Thought for Today
The distance between our problems and solutions is just a cry to the Lord away.

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