Teach Me, Lord!

Verse for Today: Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Luke 11: 1 – One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When He finished, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”

Desire to learn is a good attitude. It comes from our confession of lack of knowledge or skills in something. When this desire is expressed to the Master Trainer, we are sure of getting the best learning experience. This was the privilege of the disciples of Jesus. When they realized that they didn’t know how to pray effectively and appropriately, they went to Jesus and requested that they be taught how to pray. Jesus readily agreed and gave them a blueprint of prayer. Just like these disciples, we all need to learn from the Lord about the various aspects of Christian life. He has outlined all our lessons in His Word. He has appointed His Spirit to be with us to teach us in all truths. But we need a deep desire to learn from the Master. We must to admit our poor understanding of the vital truths in His Word. We must go to Him and express our inadequacy in all humility. We should also find time from our busy schedules to sit in the presence of our Lord so that we can be taught by Him. We should also commit ourselves to learn our lessons and put it into practice. Our desire should be like that of the deer which pants for the brooks. We have to admit that Jesus is the greatest teacher. If we learn from Him, we do not need to go elsewhere to learn. Philosophies and religions have all tried to teach man things which are contrary to what the Lord wants them to learn. Today there are more people going after the newer religions and philosophies of this world and still remain empty in their hearts. But if we learn from the Lord Jesus, it would completely satisfy us and give us proper directions in life.

Dear reader, are you desirous of learning life changing spiritual lessons today? Do you have a craving to learn eternal truths from the Lord which are embodied in His Word? Perhaps you need to unlearn a lot of half-truths and errors which you would have learned from the many other teachers and gurus of this world. Life also would have taught you bitter lessons which would have made you suspicious of realities in life. But the Lord Jesus wants to teach you all truths about life eternal and life here and now. He will teach you how to pray, give, love and to touch the lives of people with His message of salvation. Your learning has to start and end with the Lord at His school. He will teach you all the truths which are spiritually beneficial. These truths will quench your craving for eternal things. But you need to admit your ignorance to the Lord and humbly sit at His feet with great expectations just like Mary of Bethany and in a spirit of obedience. Our Lord is not a task master, but a Shepherd and He teaches us in His ways by walking in front of us. He is our best example in all the lessons that He would like us to learn. We should have the humility to acknowledge Jesus as the source of our learning and praise Him for the magnificent ways by which He engraves the truth in the walls of our heart and prayerfully give living witness to these truths. Today let us go to the Lord and tell Him of all our deficiencies and ignorance and ask Him to teach us. Let us also ask Him to give us the grace and aptitude to translate these lessons into our lives so that we would be the spiritual inscriptions that the people around us will read.

Psalms 86:11 – Teach me Your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name.

Thought for Today
If we learn and practice all that the Lord teaches us, there won’t be any excess in our speech, actions and attitude.

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