Verse for Today: Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Matthew 2:9 – the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.

It is amazing to see that God had appointed a star just to guide these Magi who went in search of the Prince of Glory to worship Him. It was a recognizable star for those truly sought after the Lord of the Universe. They could see the star only when they looked up. It was a moving star and it went always ahead of the seekers so as to give them continuous guidance. The maker of the stars and the moon had already given them clear instructions as to how fast it should go and when and where it should stop. This heavenly traffic signal sent from God made the way of these Magi easily predictable. But for a moment, they looked into the palaces of the kings of the world to see if they would find the King of Glory any where there. Little did they realize that the King has given up His glory for a short time so that He could save the people God so loved. He was born in an unusually lowly place. The Magi would have been shocked with surprise and amazement at the place where the King was lying. It is equally amazing that the star went ahead of them as they kept riding the camels. The same God is our Lord who goes ahead of us to show us the way. He prepares a way for us and goes ahead to make sure that we do not loose track of the path that He has chosen for us. There are several distractions around us and so He stands guard on both our right and left and also travels behind us so that we would not take detour or retreat. This is because He has a specific travel plan for us to follow. Even when we do not look at Him or look for Him, He is out there to show us the way. But we will miss Him if we do not look and ask Him to open our eyes of understanding. If we get distracted, He will still open a way for us to see the reality at the right time and bring us back to the right way so as to reach the right destination. He is our travel companion and guide who leads us to walk with Him by looking at Him.

Dear reader, do you feel that you have lost the way forward in any aspect of your life? Are you unable to discern the pathway that you are commanded to tread? In your personal walk, are you feeling like groping in the dark for direction? Learn to look at the Lord who has gone before you to prepare the way. He knows the yet unknown track of the rest of your pathway, but has prepared it for you to tread. There might be temptations to look for your destination in the higher places or powers of this world. There might be short-cuts around which are popular, prestigious, prominent and prosperous. But these are not the places that your Lord wants you to look. If you look at these, you will be thoroughly disillusioned just like these Magi. Your detours can cause a lot of heart-ache to you and others. Look at how the whole Jerusalem along with Herod was disturbed and frightened! See how many innocent children were massacred and how many mothers experienced pain at the death of their children, all because of the look by these Magi! Look at the delay their wrong looks have caused them! We are instructed to look at the star only and trust that this star can lead us whether the day is bright or cloudy. The star can still guide us to our destination. We should not take our eyes off the Lord who has gone before us and look at any easy way out of our situations. There is nothing that He cannot do and even when we think that time is running out on us, He can still lead us to the right way, right jobs and right persons which are designed for us by the Master Designer. Let us heed to Him, fix our eyes on Him. At the same time, let us take our hands off and allow Him to design, articulate and guide each step of our way for His glory.

Hebrews 12:2 – Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.

Thought for Today
Looking at the wrong person or direction can cause us delay, frustration and heartache.

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