The Little Majority!

Verse for Today: Thursday, September 22, 2011

Luke 12:32 – Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.

Size and number are serious concerns for people in the world. They are always after the biggest, tallest, fastest, greatest and the like. There is a craving to be better than others. People groups find greater sense of security if they are more in number than others. In all their social gatherings, they want to be in largest possible groupings. Sometimes God’s people also desire big numbers and feel insecure when they are fewer than others. When the disciples of Jesus were insecure that they were a small crowd, Jesus encouraged them by telling them not to be anxious and afraid because of their size. Jesus called a large number to be His disciples. There were also those secret disciples like Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. But most of them left Him and only eleven relatively low ranking people stayed with the Lord till He was arrested. But the Lord asked even these eleven to leave if they wanted. He was prepared to establish His kingdom even with the smallest group of followers. He was more concerned with quality of discipleship rather than large numbers. Even though He addressed large crowds who came to Him, most of them left Him. He was left with the small group who were committed to follow Him. They were not a formidable force against the mighty Roman Empire and the Jewish religion. But Jesus was pleased with the small crowd whom He affectionately called ‘little flock’. He trained them and used them to turn the world upside down. They were used to lay the foundation for His church here on earth. They were used to complete the writing of the Scriptures. He poured out His Spirit and His power over them and demonstrated it through miracles and wonders. He used them to challenge the order of the world system and showed that it would all vanish when His kingdom will remain forever.

Dear reader, are you amazed at the way the Lord uses small groups in different parts of the world to accomplish His purposes on earth? If you examine the history of missions, you will realize that Christianity has spread all over the world through small groups of two or three gathered in His name. They were willing to go in His name and gather unto His name. They were persecuted, suppressed and oppressed, but their small number made it easier for them to survive. They are His sheep and He is their caring and loving Shepherd. He walks in front of them and makes sure that all their fears in their sojourn are removed from their pathways. His staff is sufficient to ward off all the enemies and lead them through the hills and valleys, the highways and byways and the difficult terrains of this world. Our Lord is the security, safety, buffer and anchor of His people. He will never leave them nor forsake them no matter what the circumstances are. He leads them through dangers of various kinds and in the wake of attacks of the enemies. He gives them water to drink and food to eat on a daily basis. He also gives them spiritual food so that they would grow in His nurture and admonition. He is their guide, counselor, lamp, light, friend, philosopher, strength, protector and shield. They rest in His shadow and are safe under His wings. They look unto Him for all their emotional, physical and spiritual needs and He fills their lives to full satisfaction. He is their every thing and all, both great and small. He is their heavenly Bridegroom and the lover of their soul. So His children do not have any reason to be afraid even when they are alone or small in number and size because they know that with the Lord, they are the majority.

2 Kings 6:16 – “Don’t be afraid”, the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

Thought for Today
The little flock with the Lord on their side is the greatest majority in this world.


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