The rejected go for a banquet!

Verse for Today: Thursday, August 04, 2011
Psalms 27:10 –
Though my father and my mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.

It is an extreme situation when a father and mother forsake their child. Yet it has happened so many times in history. Some forsake their children when they do not have the means to bring them up. Some others forsake their children because of conflicts of various types in the family. There are others who are forsaken by their parents because of their faith. Then there are those who are forsaken by a previously loving husband or beloved wife or even loving children. Experiencing the rejection of one’s own parents and other members of the family is an extremely difficult situation for any one to handle. But a child of God can take courage in that even if all around us forsake us, our Heavenly Father will not forsake us. He might spank us because of disobedience. God’s Holy Spirit is grieved when His children do not heed to His promptings. But God will never reject or forsake His children. Not only that, He will receive any child who goes back to Him in true repentance as in the case of the prodigal son. We have the promise that if we are rejected by our families for the sake of the gospel, we will have the privilege of finding the household of God who love us and receive us as their own. When we can no longer call our parents, ‘daddy’ or ‘mummy’, the Lord gives us godly Christians whom we can address as parents. The Lord reminds us that rejection by parents is very rare and extreme and difficult to bear. But even if they reject, He will never reject us. The Lord wants to comfort and encourage us that if we loose relationships for righteousness sake or because of our faith, or because of the evil that prevails in this world, He will give us special grace to handle our situations. He will treat us in a manner far greater than our dear ones. When all others depart from us and leave us, as experienced by Joseph, our Lord will not, and He will be near to us to strengthen our souls and take away our loneliness.

Dear friend, are you thirsting for love today? Do you feel lonely and deprived of caring relationships? Have you experienced rejection and resentment from those who are nearest and dearest to you? Do you experience hatred from those you truly love? It is possible that sometimes even the households of faith reject you or hate you. It is likely that there are misunderstandings and misinterpretations which make people think that you are a villain and an enemy. Perhaps it will never be possible to clear all wrong impressions people would have created about you in the minds of those whom you truly love. But you can be rest assured that your Lord understands you well and that He is the only righteous judge. When others reject you, He will hold you closer to Him and put His nail-pierced hands around you. He will wipe your tears away when you weep. He will give you holy boldness to face your difficult situation with confidence. He will comfort you with songs for the lonely nights and brighten your days with rays of love. He will be far more than a father or mother to you. His love to you will be far better than the love of siblings or the brethren in the household of faith. When you are rejected, the Lord will receive you with warmth. He will take you to His banquet house to fill you with His joy. You will also be comforted with the testimony of scores of God’s children who have gone through similar experiences. Today the Father is asking you to go to Him to tell Him about your heartaches and loneliness. He will receive you and give you peace, patience and faith to hold on to Him. He will make your days brighter and give you restful nights with songs in your soul. So cheer up, dear reader, for the Lord is on your side and He will re-build your life with His resources so that you can become a solace to the rejected people around you.

Isaiah 49:15 – “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you”.

Thought for Today
The Lord will transform the burdened hearts of His rejected, despised, misunderstood, hated and forgotten children and fill them to overflow with His peace.

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