Timely Intervention!
Verse for Today: Friday, May 11, 2012
Genesis 8:2 – Now the springs of the deep and the floodgates of the heaven have been closed, and the rain had stopped falling from the sky.
God remembers His people as they go through the flood and float around seemingly without direction or schedule. He comes at the right time to turn the elements off so that they would not any longer be a hindrance for God to accomplish His plan in our lives. The flood and the thunderstorm are most difficult to endure. But it is also a time for God’s children to enjoy His grace. His hands are upon His children even when they float around. There are times when we wonder whether we will ever get out of our painful and difficult situations. But our Lord has planned all events according to His wisdom. He has an eternal plan to glorify His name through our experience of weariness or welfare. He will accomplish what He has planned for us. When the flood is an ordeal for the wicked, it is a time for us to enjoy His provision and protection which lead us to His praise from our lips and hearts. When one event in our lives comes to an end, our Lord gives us newer opportunities in a newer environment for newer blessings. Our Lord will not allow us to undergo flood and thunderstorm all the time. He changes our environment and gives us a new phase in our lives with newer objectives and programs. Whether we are shut in an ark or out in the field, our Lord fills our lives with His plans which He accomplishes in and through us. He will not allow us to go through the experiences of flood all the time and will bring it to a close. But whether there is flood or dry land, it is the hand of the Lord which led us forward. When we are up in the heights of flood and on rough land, it is He who meets our needs and protects us. We are safe only to the extent to which He keeps us safe.
Dear reader, are you experiencing a time of flood and rain in your life lately? Do you feel isolated and kept far away in some unknown and unstable sphere in life? Are you groping for direction and counsel about how to go forward in life? Remember, the hand of the Lord which leads you through the flood will also lead you when the flood is over. He knows when the flood must stop, and before it ends He teaches you to how to trust Him. He proves to you that He can be trusted in all circumstances and situations. His hand is upon you when the situation is volatile in some isolated corner of the world. His grace is poured out in your present circumstances to sustain you. He remembers His dear children when they go through experiences flood, fire and other unfavourable circumstances. His purpose in sending us through the flood is to help us to learn to depend on Him for grace when the going gets tough. This was how the Lord led Noah and his family during trying times. They had very tough spiritual situation when they lived in a wicked world, and also when they were in the ark in the flood waters. But in both these situations, it was the Lord who sustained His children. The same Lord is with us today in all our situations to give us strength, faith and trust to hold on to the promises of God. He gives us courage to face our existing tough situation or the upcoming unfamiliar situations. He goes before us in the flood as well as on the new dry ground and challenges us to go with Him to experience His leading and guidance. It is a time of adventures of faith with Him each day in all our circumstances. Today is another day for us to enjoy His grace by faith in our new situations. Today we can hide in the Lord whether it is flood, ark or dry ground and enjoy His favour.
Psalms 32:7 – You are my hiding-place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.
Thought for Today
Faith takes us through experiences of flood or fire as we travel with the Lord who knows when to turn the waters or fire off from our situations.
For further spiritual help and prayer support, contact: todayintheword@gmail.com

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