Too Precious to abandon!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Isaiah 49:15 – Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you.
The compassion God has for His children is illustrated by Him to us through the strong bondage a mother has for her baby. His love is far greater and stronger than that of an earthly mother to her child. Mothers are well known and well recognized for their strong bondage to their babies and children. They endure all possible sacrifices to see to it that their babies are borne healthy and reared healthy and wise. Their whole attention is on the baby and its welfare. They are filled with compassion to the baby and are ready to forgo all comforts and rest for the welfare of the baby. This is the greatest human bondage which man can understand. God comes to tell us that His bondage to us is far greater and deeper than that of a mother to her child. So when we cry or feel lonely, He feels for us and shows compassion to us by wiping our tears and filling us with His presence. He is absolutely committed to our welfare here on earth. He wants to provide for all our needs and help us to grow in stature in His grace and love. When we are persecuted by our situations and circumstances, He comes to our rescue and deliverance. When we face the enemy, He comes to fight for us. When we are restless, He comes to give us rest and sleep. Even if the whole world rejects us, He accepts us. He is interested in our exercise in faith so that we would grow in trusting Him for all our needs. He gives us newer visions through His Word about what He has prepared for our future and eternity. He reassures us and rebuilds us when we are broken in our spirits. His compassion and care for us thus provokes and prompts us to follow Him and walk in His footsteps here on earth.
Dear friend, are you feeling forsaken by others and rejected by those who are dear and near to you? Do you feel that your clan has forgotten you and deprived you of all your rights and privileges? Do you feel all alone and are you locked up in the caves or dungeons of circumstances and situations? Perhaps you are locked up in unusual situations like prophets Jonah or Jeremiah. But you need not loose hope because your Lord has not forgotten you. He comes to meet you in your lonely experiences at your Patmos. He visits you when you are depressed and fearful and sitting under the juniper trees in the wilderness and He sends His angels with water and bread to refresh you. He keeps watching over you when you are in the den of cruel people. He has prepared a feast for you in the midst of your enemies and sends you meat and bread in your experience of the brooks of Cherith. He will never forget you and reject you. He will never leave you alone nor forsake you. His fountain of compassion will always be with you in all your circumstances and situations. He is the same yesterday and today and forever and He is the unchanging Lord even when all things and all others change. How fortunate it is that we are called upon to be the children of this great God and be members of His family where He is our Father! His promise of uninterrupted and eternal companionship is as sure as He lives. Let us today find solace in His presence and get ourselves lost in the wonder of such a great Lord. Let us comfort ourselves that our Lord will never forget us even when all others reject us.
Deuteronomy 4:31 – For the Lord your God is a merciful God; He will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your forefathers, which He conformed to them by oath.
Thought for Today
The Lord cannot abandon you as He suffered the greatest pain on the Cross of Calvary to secure you as His precious child because of His perfect love for you.
The Lord cannot abandon you as He suffered the greatest pain on the Cross of Calvary to secure you as His precious child because of His perfect love for you.