Touch of love and faith!

Verse for Today: Monday, March 26, 2012

Luke 6:19 – The people all tried to touch Him, because power was coming from Him and healing them all.

God touches man to bless, heal and strengthen him. It is a touch of grace, mercy and compassion. It is a touch which connects man with the fountain of God’s blessings. It is a touch which makes man whole. But when man touches God, it s a touch of faith and trust. It is a touch to quench his thirst and hunger. It is a touch of affirmation about his dependence of God in his life. It is a touch which expresses his craving for God. It is a touch of desperation. The people of Palestine found that fountain of life and love dwelling among them. This realization changed their lives. They had been craving for love and mercy. They were thirsting for living water as they were tired of the lukewarm water of the broken cisterns of religions, philosophies and the Vanity Fair. It was a thirst which none else could quench. But when Jesus announced the availability of living water, they had no hesitation to approach Him publicly. They resented the religious leaders and the oppressive political demagogue. Their bodies and souls needed healing and they realized that it was freely coming out of the Son of God who lived among them. They saw how power was emanating from Him and there was such a large crowd waiting for Him to touch them. As the waiting was long, the people took the freedom to go and touch Him so as to receive His healing soonest possible. It was not superstitious, but affirmative. They had the faith to believe that a touch on Jesus would be sufficient to make them whole again.

Dear reader, are you in need of the touch of the Lord Jesus to experience healing in your soul and body? Have you been waiting in desperation for long for His touch? He desires to touch you, but wants to give you the freedom to touch Him also by faith any time. You have the opportunity to touch the Throne of Grace any time with your hands of faith. It is when you go to Him with your needs, desires and aspirations in prayer that you touch Him by faith. The moment you take the name of the Lord Jesus in your mouth, you are able to touch Him. But it is equally amazing that even before you touch Him, He knows your needs and situations. Perhaps you feel that you are in a crowd and that He is not able to see you so as to come to touch you. Even if you are in the midst of a million people, He still sees you and knows you by name. Your situation is clearly known to Him and He has an answer to your pressing problems. He enjoys your touch as much as you crave for His touch. Your touch is like the touch of a child on its parent, but His touch is the cuddle that you enjoy in your soul. The hands which created you will allow you rest under His loving arms and hold you firmly when you are intimidated by your challenging situations. Are you afraid of your situation? Go and touch the Lord with your hands of faith, and at the very moment, His divine power will pass through you and offset all your fears and anxieties. Remember, you are always in His hands and at the same time, you have the freedom to turn around and touch your Lord to enjoy His comfort, strength and joy. The complementary touch of both your Lord and you will authenticate mutual love, trust, ownership and possession of each other and build your relationship with Him from strength to strength for mutual enjoyment.

Matthew 9:21 – She said to herself, ‘If only I touch His cloak, I will be healed.’

Thought for Today

We have the freedom to touch our Lord with our hands of faith to allow the fountain of His reservoir of love, compassion and blessings to flow through to us.

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