Touching all Generations

Verse for Today: Thursday, December 30, 2010
Psalms 100:5 – For the Lord is good and His love endures for ever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.

Only those who have tasted the Lord and His actions can boldly say that He is good. The Word of God says that He is sweeter than the honey in a honeycomb. But only those who know what honey is and then compare with it with the sweet experiences given by the Lord will be able to say that He is sweeter than honey. His actions might some times look as if they do not taste as sweet as one would want it to be. When we go through the experiences He takes us through, they are full of difficulties that one would find on a narrow way with its steep hills and rough patches. Humanly it is not always sweet experience, but when we know who is with us, or who do we lean on to and who talks to us on that narrow way, we are able to say that all the difficulties of the narrow way are for our good. The grace given to us on the narrow way is so rich that it would take away all the difficulties that we encounter on that way. The experience of walking through the narrow way with the Lord makes it a sweet time as we walk the edges of His ways. It is during this sojourn that we experience the Lord’s love and kindness in an uninterrupted way. There is no instance where His love is not upon us and His kindness is away from us. Not only that, we can always look at the generations who have gone before us to see how He dealt with them in love and kindness. They were not without their share of faults and failures, but He built them up and compensated for all their failures through His faithfulness. We see also that His faithfulness was upon our generations and that is why we are today in His path. Each of us can trace the Lord’s faithfulness in preparing our hearts to the point of accepting His grace at the moment when we got saved. Surely, His faithfulness will be with us until we complete our course and sojourn.

Dear friend, are you aware of the depth of faithfulness that the Lord has shown to you to prepare you to become a child of God? Do you realize how the Lord worked through your generations and picked you up at the right time and placed you in His pathway? The way He works in and through all the generations in the past can be vividly seen from the pages of the Bible which is the book of the generations of Adam, Abraham, David and others. The Lord worked in and through all of them to bring gospel to us today. The promises He gave them were kept by Him without an iota of change and that is why we are all in His pathway today. The depth of His loving kindness is seen in the way He knew us before the foundation of the world was laid and prepared our generations, geography, language and culture and even technology to bring the good news of the gospel to us at the time we all got saved. The salvation that was offered to all the generations of the past is the same salvation given to us. Before Calvary, the saints saw it by faith by looking into the future, but today we look back at Calvary and see it as a historical reality. If we analyze our past, we will be able to see how carefully He planned our generations to touch us by His gospel at the right time marked for each of us by Him. Along with that, all that we need to live a life of victory here on earth are also prepared and provided by the Lord so that we would not lack any thing that is necessary to keep going in serving Him. When we are adequately aware of this, all we can do is to fall prostrate before Him in worship, dedicate ourselves and all that we have. We can also be rest assured that His loving kindness, mercy and faithfulness will continue as long as there will be seasons and times until we reach our eternal Home. What a blessed privilege we have today to live for the God of all generations who has been faithful to us. We need to reciprocate it by being faithful to Him in all that we do.

Psalms 90:1 – Lord, You have been our dwelling-place throughout all generations.

Thought for Today
History of mankind is the history of God’s faithfulness to them.

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