Unchanging God in changing circumstances!

Verse for Today: Sunday, October 30, 2011

Malachi 3:6 – I the Lord do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.

God’s people over the years have gone through a lot of changing circumstances. Kings came and gone forever. Friends became foes and neighbours became enemies and traitors. There have been external aggressions. Crops failed several times and drought made their land dry and parched. But in such situations, their God interfered in their situations and brought good times again to them. His promises to them have not changed because they were an expression of God’s character of consistency. He was the same all the days of their sojourn. His promises never changed and His power was always available to them. He tested their faith often, in order to see where they needed strengthening. When the enemies attacked them, their God was with them and He protected them under His wings. God’s promises have been their confidence to keep going and keep hoping against hope. Even the dry bones became alive again. Jacob lived in hopelessness and depression for some time, but God revived his spirit and filled him with confidence. When he went through the valleys, God fortified his faith to hold on to Him. His son Joseph was never willing to give up even in the most difficult circumstances. Nehemiah was used by the Lord to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem which was accomplished in a mere 52 days which is an engineering miracle even with the best of modern technology. He also brought order and decorum to the city of Jerusalem and brought it back to its old glory only because the never-changing God was with him. He speaks today to the modern day descendants of Jacob in faith to keep reminding themselves of the fact that they are all sustained because of the unchangeable promises of their never-changing God.

Hello dear reader, if you are going through a time of hopelessness and are depressed because of your tough circumstances, you need to remind yourself of the sustaining power of your Lord which is with you to lead you forward. His faithfulness to you and to His promises does not depend on your faithfulness. Even when you experience doubts and confusion, your Lord would not relent from His promises. His power still flows to you to strengthen you. His love is still showered on you like a never-ending fountain. His stream of care and protection continues to flow to you to soak you in His grace. His compassionate protection encompasses around you and so no destructive forces will penetrate to pierce you. When He is with you, you will accomplish what He wants you to accomplish according to His plan and program for you. You will not be destroyed by the forces of wickedness because your unchanging God will see you through the present difficulties you are encountered with. His promises will never diminish in power and they are alive and active for you to claim. He will definitely keep His promises to you and take you through your present scenario and lead you to the milestones He has prepared for you. At each milestone, you will be welcomed by the miraculous and mysterious accomplishments God has planned for you. These milestones will be great places of encouragements for you to keep revisiting because they are evidences of God’s faithfulness to you. Let today be another day when you arrive at some milestone in your sojourn because of your unchanging God and praise Him for His mighty hands in your life for His glory.

Psalms 103:4 – (The Lord) redeems your life from destruction and crows you with loving-kindness and tender mercies.

Thought for Today

The unchanging God with His never-changing promises is with His children in all their circumstances which keep changing.

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