Uninterrupted channels!

Verse for Today: Tuesday, November 22, 2011

1 Kings 17:4 – You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you there.

God leads His children through unusual circumstances victoriously and meets their needs in unprecedented and unimaginable ways. When God’s children serve Him, their needs are wide and varied. First and foremost they need His strength to face the enemy. They need His protection as they fight the battles of life. They also need sustenance to keep going. The Lord provides for all of these in order to facilitate the ministries that He wants His children to undertake for Him. Each day the Lord leads them through miracles of various kinds to sustain them. It is unusual for a servant of God to be served by ravens that do not have acceptable standards of hygiene. Yet ravens were the divinely ordered channel of blessing and sustenance for His servant. But the ravens and the brook are only temporary arrangements for the servant of God. There are other plans which God had made for His servant. He is to serve and tarry in His presence as his provisions come on a daily or hourly basis. It is his responsibility to serve the Lord and cling on to His faithfulness to meet daily needs. At the next moment, another marching order might come for him to keep moving to a new place of ministry with support from a different source of provisions. But the Lord never forgets His servant in all his circumstances which is marvelous in our eyes. His ways of leading His children are amazing and unexplainably sublime. But the Lord gives His children great peace and faith to keep going without being anxious about their future. He gives food and water for our bodies and peace for our souls to continue to be in His service with the hope that He will lead us in marvelous ways in the future. He gives us assurances and reassurances and renews His faithfulness to us on a daily basis. We can hold on to Him even when the brook dries and the ravens stop coming because His mercy endures forever.

Dear reader, are you experiencing the drying brooks for your daily drink of water to sustain your life for the Lord here on earth? Do you have to depend on ravens that do not have a wrist watch to keep time to give you food twice a day? Are these seemingly unstable arrangements causing you to be filled with apprehension and bewilderment about your future? Remember, your Lord is the God of Carmel. He is the Lord who fed millions for 40 years in the wilderness while they were travelling. He led them without a map or flashlight in the night to keep moving around. He is the Lord who fed several thousands with five flat bread and two small fish and had even leftovers. He is the provider for all the wild animals and birds. He is more interested to give you spiritual food than physical food even though physical food is also important to Him for which He has sufficient arrangements. Even though He is above world’s time frame, He keeps time and schedules without fail. He knows what each of us needs and likes in our different cultures, geographical areas and time zones of the day. He is aware of the quantity that is required by each of us and provides for us according to His measure at the right time and place. He gives orders to His creation to be channels of His provisions for us as He will not leave us orphans. Today He challenges us to dare to trust Him who is the God of all mercies to meet our needs in marvelous ways. The God of Elijah is also our God and He meets our needs with compassion. He is sufficient to meet all our needs. Let us boldly and courageously trust this Lord for our needs today and all the days of our lives.

Psalms 48:14 – For this God is our God for ever and ever; He will be our guide even to the end.

Thought for Today

Brooks may dry and ravens may stop coming, but God’s provisions for His children will still arrive on the wings of His compassion and faithfulness.

CONTACT US: todayintheword@gmail.com

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