Unseen certainties!
Verse for Today: Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ruth 2:3 – As it turned out, (Ruth) found herself working in a field belong to Boaz, who was from the clan of Elimelech.

There are no accidents in the realm of God, but only incidents. God rules and overrules such incidents to accomplish His purposes in all that is related to His children. Ruth had no idea where she was going to glean for leftover grain for survival. There were so many harvest fields, but God led her steps to go to the fields of Boaz who was one of the richest farmers of Bethlehem. Ruth set out from Moab committing to Naomi, her mother-in-law, that Naomi’s God would be her God. This commitment was honored by God by directing her steps to the fields of Boaz. Not only that, God had already lined her up to be in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. She didn’t have to do anything to be the great grandmother of Jesus Christ, but only to commit her unknown future to God who had already prepared great things for her. All her steps from Moab to the field of Boaz were part of her commitment to God and to her mother-in-law. She had great faith in following this uncertain course in her life with hope and faith in the God of Naomi. She was willing to leave behind all the possible materialistic prosperity in her own land, and to give it up for an unknown future by faith in God. She was willing to serve and to work hard. She had no hesitation to be like a servant, gleaning in the harvest fields of strangers. She was so poor as not to have a lunch pack or a bottle of water with her as she went to work. But God had it all planned for her and she ended up gaining far greater things than expected. The God of Ruth is with us today and He directs our pathways with incidents which are ordained of Him with provisions to meet our needs.

Dear reader, are you ready and willing to take risks of faith and go out without knowing where? You probably may not have any bus fare or lunch pack and water to take with you. Perhaps you don’t even qualify to be a harvester and have no skills to claim for yourself. But if there are gleaning opportunities lying out there in the agenda of God for you, will you commit yourself to be what He wants you to be? Will you take God at His Word and go forward, trusting Him alone when the situation is bleak and blurred? But you can trust God fully because He has planned your future in His eternal wisdom and grace. There are no surprises in His agenda, but perhaps it might sound like a big surprise to your finite mind. God has your lunch, water, rest and pathway to a splendid future, all determined and prepared for you. But it becomes yours when you take Him at His Word and set out on His pathways. What you will experience will not necessarily be what Ruth got, because God has a unique plan for each of His children to meet individual needs in their different circumstances. He will not send you back empty handed as a destitute, but will give you far more than you expect or ask for. His field is full of grains to meet your every need. His richness is far beyond one harvest field as He owns everything. He is asking you today whether you are willing to go out trusting Him and committing yourself and your future to Him. He will then uncover each of the great things He has prepared for you, a bit at a time, as you keep on trusting Him day by day. Just step out in faith not knowing where you are going and what you will end up with. Your God will never disappoint you, nor will He forsake you.

Isaiah 42:16 – I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.

Thought for Today
God rules and overrules our pathways to lead us through His splendid plans for us as we trust Him and follow after.

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