Uplook prevents sidetracking!

Verse for Today: Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Matthew 2:10 – When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.

God wants us to take the uplook for direction. His stars which are always on the orbit take instructions from Him and stay course. They are a reprimand to us today to learn obedience and listen to instructions. He wants us to focus only on His Word in our sojourn. The One who led us so far is faithful to lead us further until we reach our eternal home. Just as the Magi, we loose track when we look to the world and its religious, social, economic and technological systems to show us the way. These systems are all part of the Vanity Fair and the forces of the powers of darkness. We should not expect any good to come out of these systems. There is a snare waiting for us from the lord of this world who is expert in confusing God’s children. He tempts us to take our eyes off Jesus and look at the expertise of this world. The world has modern technology and expert opinions to find a way and we are often challenged to be intelligent enough to make use of it for spiritual welfare. But God wants us to use only faith as our compass for travel. Prophet Jonah used the ways of the world and reached the wrong place. Baalam tried to go the way of the world and had to be stopped by a donkey. King Saul used the world’s wisdom to justify his disobedience and ended up in loosing his crown and throne. Today God wants us to look unto Him for direction and follow His instructions meticulously as we walk on His pathways. He wants us to lift up our heads and look up and see the vision of the risen Lord and walk accordingly.

Dear friend, have you lost your way and are you confused today about direction? Is the world tempting you to trust its ways which are intelligent and technologically advanced? But the world’s ways are for the destruction of our lives. The world will tear us down and will never build us up. The world’s ways lead us astray and will take us to dangerous places from which we will find it difficult to get out. If we go the ways of the world, we would loose quality time to walk with the Lord and enjoy our walk. Are you tempted to look unto worldly wisdom, technology, experts, experience and money for guidance and decisions? When we take our eyes off the Lord, as Peter did when he was walking on the water towards Jesus, we get confused and sidetracked which is Satan’s great tactic. Even though these Magi were sidetracked for some time and delayed on their mission and almost got into trouble, they quickly realized that they would reach their destination only if they get back to looking up to Heaven for guidance. He gave them the capacity to once again see the stars which guided them thus far and helped them to go and see the Savior in Bethlehem. Their pathway was already marked by the Lord even up to the house where Baby Jesus was growing up with Mary and Joseph. How wonderful it was that the star stopped right in front of the house and would not move any further! If you have already been sidetracked by the cunning strategies of the enemy, there is always a way back to the Lord. He will forgive your failures and get you back on the track towards His plan and purpose for you. You will know that you are back on the right path when God fills your vision and takes away all the confusion from your heart. Your doubts will vanish and your heart will rejoice exceedingly, as in the case of the Magi.

Psalms 107:30 – They were glad when the sea grew calm, and He guided them to their desired haven.

Thought for Today
The Lord leads us to the right destination, but the world always sidetracks, delays and confuses.

For further spiritual help and prayer support, contact: todayintheword@gmail.com

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