Vast promises!
Verse for Today: Friday, February 15, 2013
Genesis 13:14 – “Lift up your eyes from where you are and look to north and south, east and west.”

If we want to see the vastness of the promises that are given to us by God, we must lift up our eyes and our heads and look beyond. Often our shortsightedness leaves us with limited vision. But God wants us to look beyond the nearest and see the vastness of possessions kept for us to claim by faith. God didn’t want Abraham to limit himself to where he was, but to walk around the land which has been given to him and his descendants. From each vantage point, there was so much to see which was far beyond his expectation, imagination and comprehension. The vast land was given to Abraham as an inheritance. It was a reward for his faith and trust in God and the boldness he exhibited in leaving his ancestors’ earthly possessions behind for the Promised Land. We often face the problem of narrow and near vision about the spiritual blessings that are kept for us by God and live as paupers. Our vision often guides our decisions, priorities and desires. But God wants us to look beyond the limited spectrum that we often see. First we must believe that our blessings are far beyond the earthly and the immediate. Secondly we must have the desire to see what is in store for us by God. Thirdly we must lift up our eyes from looking at the earth below. Fourthly we must open our eyes and look. Fifthly we must lift up our heads and look. Sixthly we must look to all directions around us. Seventh, we must believe that it is all ours. Eighth, we must believe that it is all kept for us to appropriate by our Father in Heaven. Lastly we must take steps of faith to appropriate it all by faith. There are so many promises kept for us to claim for everyday living by faith.

Dear friend, are your eyes focused on the earth below your eyes? But your God wants you to live by faith and appropriate all that He has kept for you to enjoy. Just as God promised Abraham, He has kept wonderful promises for each step of your walk. But if your eyes are locked up on the earthly, you won’t be able to see the vastness of God’s promises. You can claim these wonderful promises if only you see them which demands the release your eyes from the earthly and the temporal. God’s promises are timeless in power, validity and universal. These promises are given to us by grace. We have the freedom and right to claim it for our walk each day of our sojourn. But they are available to us if only we walk by faith. God keeps His word in all that He has promised. Not a syllable from His promise would go unfulfilled. All God’s promises are powered by the Spirit of God. In his times only Abraham was privileged to enjoy these promises because he was the only one who had the faith to walk according to the promises. Lot was with him for a while, but he went away to the earthly and the fertile according to the world’s standards. Lot had no idea about the vastness of God’s promises that have been kept safe for those who put their faith in a promise-giving and promise-keeping God. Today God invites us to lift up our eyes and heads to see the vast promises of God and claim it by faith to live a heavenly life here on earth to enjoy all the blessings of the heavenly places.  

Genesis 13:17 – “Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.”

Thought for Today
The eyes that are unlocked from the earthy and lifted up will see the vastness of God’s promises to claim by faith for everyday walk.

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