Victory over conflicts! 
Verse for Today: Sunday, July 14, 2013
Genesis 3:12 – The man said, “The woman You put here with me – she gave me some fruit, and I ate it.”

Man is very good at giving evasive answers to straightforward questions. It is man’s communication style to shun responsibility for his actions. He tries to pass responsibility for his actions on to others and attempts to escape from the consequences of his own actions. Thus he earns the wrath of those on whom he puts responsibility for his actions. This was what the first man did when he violated God’s instructions which were for his good. When he tried to make God and the woman responsible for his action, he pointed an accusing finger at both of them. God’s question was simple, but man made the answer very complicated. God gave the woman to be a help meet for man for his welfare and not destruction. But man was directly responsible to God for his actions. So man’s answer confirmed his disobedience and displeasure with God who gave him the female companion, and with the woman who gave him the forbidden fruit to eat. But in his effort to find an excuse for his action, man forgot the goodness of God in giving him the commandment and the fact that he had broken a relationship that God established in his life with the woman. If only man confessed his willful act of disobedience without finding excuses and scapegoats, the picture would have been one of another confession by the woman about what she had done to motivate the man to violate God’s commandment. Our excuses for our disobedience thus break relationship with God and fellow human beings. The only way it can be mended is through the frank and bold acceptance of our own faults before God. If we mend our divine and human relationships through repentance, it would open the way for us to live in peace with God and man to enjoy these relationships. True confession of our sins of omissions and commissions will pave the way for a guilt-free and productive relationship both vertically and horizontally.

Hello reader, are you confronted with conflicts between you and other fellow human beings? Do you always think that all these conflicts are caused by others because of their faults? Are you also perhaps tempted to find fault with God for allowing these to happen in your life? But a closer analysis of your situations will reveal that finding fault with others will not help you to resolve your conflicting situations. You need to admit your faults before God and ask Him for forgiveness. In His infinite mercy, God might take away the consequences of your actions in the conflicts, and you may plead for His mercy. But the sure way to get victory in your conflicting situations is to confess your own faults before God and ask Him to take full control of your situations. Surely what has happened cannot be undone, but God can forgive you and grant you a new beginning. As a matter of fact, Christian life is a series of new beginnings each day of your life. If you submit your life to God, He will renew your heart and revive your life to become victorious over the unstable circumstances and the unpredictable people around you. It is best to put all your relationships at the foot of the cross and ask the Lord to rule and overrule your situations to give you victory. Your confession and God’s forgiveness will put us on a new track in your lives to help you march on to victory. Our God is the God of the second chance who gave such renewed opportunities to many of His servants to settle life problems as in the case of Jonah, David, Peter and others. He will give you the strength and courage to face your situation with a penitent heart of hope and victory over your past failures and rebuild your life to new vistas of faith.

1 John 1:9 – If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Thought for Today
Willingness to accept our faults is the first step towards settling our conflicts with God and man.

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