Violent winds!
Verse for Today: Saturday, February 09, 2013
Acts 27:4 – From there we put out to sea again and passed to the lee of Cyprus because the winds were against us.

Wind is God’s creation to serve the interests and needs of human beings. It comes at different pace and from different directions to meet global, regional, local and individual needs at different times. When wind is on our direction, it will aid us to travel fast and slow us down when it is contrary. Sometimes we have to change route to meet the challenges of wind. Wind also poses the need to examine if God has a message for us in it. Favorable wind doesn’t always mean that God wants us to keep going in the same direction. Sometimes wind is used by the enemy of our souls to confuse and lure us away from God’s will. Abraham found the logical wind of support when he went down to Egypt with brutal consequences. David found the wind in his favor when he plotted, murdered and committed immorality for which he had to pay at least 5 times with severe futuristic implications. Jonah found the wind in his favor to disobey God to go to Tarshish but faced sad consequences. Achan and Gehazi found favorable wind to become rich, but ended in tragedy. But wind is also used by God to speak to His children and to keep them in His perfect will. The brutal winds of the wrath of Joseph’s brothers and the false accusation of Potiphar’s wife were used by God to prepare the way for Joseph to be elevated to be the Prime Minister of Egypt. God used the wind of opposition for Paul to move from Pisidian Antioch, Iconium and other places to different fields. On his way to Rome, his ship had to shift its course because of violent wind and turbulent weather. These winds were about to shatter Paul’s travel, but he had the assurance from the Lord that he would reach Rome to fulfill the ministries planned for him. But the difficulties related to the violent wind gave Paul opportunity to witness to the co-travelers, new ministries in Malta and to continue on to Rome. Today our God will accomplish His purposes in and through us in spite of the winds. No matter how violent it might be, no wind will be able to prevent us from accomplishing His purpose in us because God is in control of our situation.

Dear friend, are you caught up in the winds and the whirlwinds of situations in your life lately? Does your turbulent situation seem to upset your course? Are you tempted to say like Jacob that all these things are against you? But you need to understand that in spite of the storms and the wind, you will reach your destination as promised by God. He will protect you from getting hurt when the wild winds blow. The winds will all end one of these days and we will continue our journey. Perhaps the winds are God’s way to divert your course to take you through some unanticipated routes to accomplish special ministries. Even as you are battered by the wind, God will give you opportunities to witness for Him. You will touch the lives of needy people at new places. Winds may come and go, but His graceful protection and provision will continue. See how the Lord was with Paul to take him to all the places which were part of God’s plan for him in spite of wild winds and painful situations. See how these winds did not deter him from writing the epistles. Look at the excellent discipleship program he undertook which produced great men of God like Timothy, Titus and Silas. Today do not look at the wild winds and get discouraged, but gaze at the Lord Jesus who is encompassing around you and be encouraged.

Psalms 107:30 – They were glad when (the storms and the waves) grew calm, and He guided them to the desired haven.    

Thought for Today

God accomplishes His great purpose for His children in spite of the violent winds of obstruction.

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