Wait a little!
Verse for Today: Sunday, December 30, 2012
Psalms 13:1 – How long, O Lord? Will You forget me for ever? How long will You hide Your face from me?

Suffering saints often cry out to the Lord asking how much more they have to endure the pain and the misery they undergo. As they cry out loud to the Lord and wait for an answer, they become weary of waiting. Their eyes of expectations become tired and weary with pain, agony and frustration. Their human instincts often push them to doubt their faith. The intensity of their sufferings makes them lose their patience. David went through such experiences of life without any consolation from anywhere. Joseph and Paul also had similar experiences. Our hope for deliverance often finds it eluding us as we wait for long. Unbelief creeps in to make us wonder about the promises of God for a release. But little do we realize that our Lord is working for us all the while and setting the stage for our release from the predicaments. He wants us to believe in His promises and hold on to Him rather than getting frustrated and give up hope. The life of David, Daniel, Joseph and Paul shows us that we should not plunge into despair, unbelief and doubt. He cares so much about us and gets deeply involved in our affairs. When we ask as to how long, the Lord would say, ‘in a little while, my child’.  When we ask whether He will forget us forever, His answer comes back to us saying that He would never forget us. In fact His Word says that He is always concerned about us and our affairs and works continuously for our welfare. But He wants us to grow in our faith and hold onto His promises. Yes, Heaven reaffirms that in a little while, we will see God’s bright light shining through the dark clouds of our situations.  

Dear friend, are you getting sunk deep into despair and despondency about your life situation? Are you exasperated and disillusioned about the dark clouds which surround you? But this is not the time to give up or give into negative thoughts. It is a time of renewed hope in God. He is working in your situation to remove the dark clouds from your horizon. The Son of Righteousness is just around the corner. There will soon be a new dawn in your life. God seems to be quiet today, but He is speaking to you and reassuring you that He is busy working in your situations to bring in brightness, hope and renewal. God is so much interested in strengthening your faith to hold on. He wants you to learn newer lessons of hope and trust in His never-changing promises. He is more interested in strengthening your faith. He wants you to take a stand like Job to hold on even if the worst happens to you. Such faith made Peter sleep sound the night before his execution and gave Daniel the boldness to spend a night with hungry lions. Some like David and Joseph received their answers right here on earth and others get their answers as they reach heaven. But it is more important that we hold fast our faith. If our God is faithful to save our souls from eternal damnation, He will also be faithful to release and deliver us from all evil. He is working to give us spiritual victory over despondency and weariness, as He equips us to face our situation by faith. The God of David who gave him victory over Goliath is with us to give us ultimate victory. Today He gives us patience and strength to hold on and leads us through our Red Seas, lion’s dens and emperor’s furnaces. But He knows the end which will be for His glory and our joy as He comes to personally release and deliver us from our present plights.  

Psalms 40:1 – I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.

Thought for Today
Our God sees our plights and hears our cries as He continues to set the stage for our deliverance.
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