Waiting faith!
Verse for Today: Monday, September 09, 2013
Romans 8:25 – But if we hope for what we do not have yet, we wait for it patiently.

Hope without faith is meaningless and faith without hope will not last long. Hope demands that we wait patiently for its realization. Hope is always for the future, but faith is current as well as futuristic. Faith is absolutely sure that hope will work out at the right time because faith originates and progresses in and through God towards its. He gives faith to only those who trust in Him in all that they hope for. Abraham received such ardent faith to hope for great blessings in his current and future life. When Abraham exercised such faith and trust in God, he received blessing in the form of a son in hopeless situation and blessings for the whole humanity through his family. Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and David had such faith which they received as a gift from God to believe and trust in God’s power through their generations. Throughout human history, God has been fulfilling His promises given built on. History is filled with the story of the fulfillment of the hope God has given man. And God is writing history which has become the story of all His children in all generations who have taken the tenacity to believe on His promises. In each generation, God has been challenging man to take Him at His Word and wait patiently for the accomplishment of all that have been hoped for. It is the faith in the power and programs of God that He wants His children to have. It is the hope in Him which will definitely be fulfilled, but we must wait patiently for His time to accomplish it. Today is another opportunity for us to believe on Him and His programs in our lives. Today is another day to wait patiently for His time to fulfill His promises in its perfect time, place, quantity and quality.

Dear friend, are you distressed about the seemingly endless wait to see God accomplishing things in your life? Are you losing hope because of the weariness of waiting? Are you looking at the circumstances and jumping into the immature conclusion that your wait might be in vain? But God will not change His promises because He is unchanging in His character even when everything around us changes. His power and glory work as a fence around His promises and no circumstance will ever be permitted to tamper with it. His promises work in our lives through hope that it will certainly be accomplished. His Word works in us through the faith that He has planted in our lives to believe it. He gives us the power to believe in all that He has promised and brightens our hearts to hope it. When God gives us hope, it gives us conviction in faith that God will surely do it for us. That’s why we believe it and trust Him to accomplish it. When we thus wait for God to work His promise out in our lives, He generates patience in our hearts to keep going as if what God has promised has already been accomplished. Every time doubts arise, it doesn’t come from His Spirit, but from the enemy who creates doubt and confusion in our souls. We must bury all doubts and confusions at the foot of the cross. Thus we are enabled to praise God for the hope that He has given us and keep going forward with the faith that it shall surely be done for His sake. Our strength to wait for God to work in our lives is the byproduct of such hope and faith as we commit it to God and relax.   

Psalms 62:5 – Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.  
Thought for Today
Faith and hope are the two wheels on which patience moves forward to meet God at His Word.
Prayer for Today
Dear Lord Jesus: Fill me with patience and faith in my heart so that I will be able to hope in you without the shadow of a doubt. Amen!

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