Dear reader, are you aware of the ride you are taking with Jesus through the swallowing waterways of this world? The billows might threaten you and shake your standing. These waves will try to create fear and anxiety about the consequences of the rolling billows over you. But they will not swallow you because your Lord will not allow it. You are safe in His hands and carried on His shoulders. He will not allow you to sink in the deep waters because you are precious to Him. When the billows threaten to role over you, the Lord will give you the strength and courage to face it with a smile rather than fear and anxiety. He will give you joy in your heart and praise in your mouth even for the waves. If there are no waves, you will not learn how to face the challenge to travel through it. When waves beat on you, it is your privilege to demonstrate the Lord’s strength in your life to weather away its threats. The smaller waves are a training ground for you to learn how to expect and face even greater billows. As you make progress on the waterways of the Lord, the enemy of your soul will send greater waves to increase his threat to your faith. But when the pressure of the billows increase, there will be abundance of greater grace, peace and joy in your heart from the Lord. Joseph, David, Nehemiah and Paul experienced series of rough weather in their walk of faith, but the Lord equipped them to face it all and strengthened the muscles of their faith in Him. Today the Maker of the universe is walking in front of you to show you His footsteps on the sea billows to train your feet to walk through it all by faith.
Psalms 94:18 – When I said, “My foot is slipping,” Your love, O Lord, supported me. Thought for Today The Lord opens my eyes to see His footsteps on the waters of the seas of life to walk on it by faith.WATERWAYS TO WALK!!
Waterways to walk!
Verse for Today: Monday, March 12, 2012
Psalms 77:19 – Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen.
Waterways are not for walking, but for sailing. But God makes it possible for His children to walk through turbulent waterways without fear or anxiety. These volatile pathways are created by God and so they are bound to obey Him to allow His children to walk on it. Jesus showed that it is possible to walk on water and made Peter walked on it. The paths through rough seas and mighty waves are a training ground for God’s children to learn trust and faith in Him for the impossible. We are led by the Lord through waters and seas to learn faith in His power. In order to give us firm footing on water, our Lord who created water walks in front of us to mark out His footprints. He alone is able to control its volatility for us to tread on it. It is a walk by faith because sight will keep us off and kill our courage to even attempt to walk that way. The pathways the Lord paves for us on these waters are invisible for others. But He makes our spiritual eyes see His footsteps on it. Our faith in His power to pave our ways through these waters of life will open our spiritual eyes to see His footsteps on the waves. His light and lamp will work as our road map for us and His beacon will be our guiding light to go forward. But He shows us only one step at a time which is sufficient for us as we are expected to travel by faith alone. If our trust on Him is genuine and sincere, there is no need for us to see the second step until we would have covered the first step that He has shown us. There are always pressures in these sea billows which threaten to swallow us up. But the Master of the seas holds us in His mighty hands and so sea or waves will not swallow us. The fierce waves will only threaten to make us afraid and shake our faith. Our travel through these billows is a great challenge to our faith which we can take boldly as we cling on the author and finisher of our faith. We move forward according to His travel plan and pace. It is a joyride with Him and not a series of steps in hesitation and doubt.