Weeping turned to hope!
Verse for Today: Sunday, September 04, 2011
Psalms 84:6 – As they pass through the valley of Beca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
The sojourn through this world is often a tearful experience. As sowers, we walk through the field and sow the seeds of salvation in tears to soak the field. We also have tears of emotional hurt, frustration and pain of various kinds. We are often torn into pieces by difficult circumstances. When we get wounded in the spiritual battle, it causes us to weep. When we grieve the Lord and His Spirit, and as we are conscious of it, we burst into tears of penitence. We sometimes experience pain of separation, loss and failures and physical pain and weep because of it. But our tears are valuable in the presence of God. He understands our emotions behind the tears and come to wipe our tears and give us His consolation and comfort. He understands the cause of our tears and helps us to make our experience of tears into blessings to us and to others. Our tearful expressions of distress and discomfort are turned into celebration of joy as we get victory over our circumstances. The bones which are broken at repentance rejoice in God’s presence. When we reap the good results of our toil for the Lord, our tears turn into joy. When our Lord comforts us and wipes our tears, we experience true rejoicing. When the Lord and His Word fill us with comfort at our sense of loss and separation, we are encouraged to keep hoping for the future when our loss will be turned to gain and our separation will end in reunion. As we get victory over our situations and circumstances, our witness for the Lord becomes a time of blessing to others. The hymns penned by tearful children of God have become songs in the night for scores of His children over the years. Our tears thus become opportunities for great blessings for others and glorifying the Lord. When we sense this, it causes us to praise Him for allowing tears in our lives.
Dear friend, are you experiencing a time of tears lately? Have you had a Gethsemane in your life? Was there a time in the past when you passed through the valley of Beca, with your days like the balsam flowers reminding you of drops of tears rolling down your cheeks and your sigh before the Lord? The enemy of your soul will come to ridicule you at such times saying that it is because your Lord doesn’t love you that you have these predicaments. But you know very well that crying is not a mark of weakness but strength. Our Lord Jesus, the strongest man who ever lived on the face of this earth, cried at the tomb of Lazarus of Bethany out of compassion. Peter cried when he repented of his sins against the Lord. David cried bitterly several times when the enemy tried to trap and kill him. These tears are a pool of blessings to keep looking at the Lord in times of tears. The victory we experience as we shed tears is a great encouragement for others to keep looking at and trusting our Lord to handle all our tearful situations. Our tears of the past tell stories of how the Lord wiped our tears and brought us so far. He removes our bitter experiences and emotional hurts as we go to Him with sincerity and simplicity to express our helplessness. Dear reader, are you weeping today? Go to the Lord with your tears and ask Him to deliver you from your painful situations. Your Lord will come to your rescue and comfort you and give you the strength to face your situation boldly and gracefully. You can hold on to the Lord by faith just like a little child holds the hands of the human father in times of pain and hurt. The Lord will take away the hurt and bitterness and turn your days and nights into times of joyful celebration. He is at your side to offer you divine relief from your pains and dry your eyes.
Psalms 22:5 – (Our fathers) cried to You and were saved; in You they trusted and were not disappointed.
Thought for Today
When our tears communicate our deepest grief to the Lord, His heart melts for us and He comes down with compassion to wipe our tears and give us hope for the future.
When our tears communicate our deepest grief to the Lord, His heart melts for us and He comes down with compassion to wipe our tears and give us hope for the future.
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