Well-being amidst instability!

Verse for Today: Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Psalms 31:21 –
Praise be to the Lord, for He showed His wonderful love to me when I was in a besieged city.

It is amazing how the children of God are shaken in the seemingly strong cities where they dwell. Their strongholds are besieged by the enemy. Their health wanes and pockets become empty. Many of their close associates leave them lonely and desperate. Their faith starts to crumble and they are slowly prone to doubt and confusion. The enemy will come around to ask whether their God was still alive. The enemy uses such times to ridicule them by asking as to what had happened to the promises of their Lord. The religions or philosophies do not offer any help or support at such times. There will be people to make judgements and to pass negative remarks. Thus when the foundations shake, there is very little that the righteous can do. But there is no need for the righteous to give up hope because even when the foundations shake, their Lord will not be shaken. He can continue to dwell in the shaky city in the power of God because the enemy does not have the power to block the Lord of Lords. When the situation becomes so hopeless, the Lord enters the scene to change the scenario. He is primarily interested in setting the wounded and lonely heart of His children who dwell in a place which is no more secure. He comes into fill their hearts and vision with His glory so that they can see the scenario around them through the glory of the Lord. As they see the Lord in their situation, their countenance changes to one of confidence and courage. Their hearts are filled with strength and hope in the Lord. At a time of loneliness, the Lord pours His abundant love into their hearts and makes them feel wanted. The love of the Lord covers them like the wings of a bird. No force of the enemy can ever enter the canopy of His love. A stream of confidence and hope flow into their hearts to give them the safety and security that they desperately need to live peacefully.

Dear friend, do you feel that your foundations of health, finance, circle of friendship, security and status falling away? Are your friends leaving you behind and running away from you? Is the media trying to convince you that life ahead is dark and cloudy? You probably realize that the enemy is attacking the social and economic systems around and shaking it just like the quakes rattle the earth? In the midst of it all, you need to know that your Lord is with you. He pours His love into our hearts to fill you with His confidence and care. When we are filled with His love, we will begin to enjoy the security and safety that He provides. His love encompasses around us and protects our hearts from negative thinking and from losing confidence. In His love, He comes to cover our hearts from getting discouraged and disillusioned. Even if an army besieges against us, we do not need to be afraid because our Lord is with us. When our situations become shaky, we will be strengthened by His presence and promises. His Spirit will help us to meditate on His power which prevails over us. It is amazing to know that God the Father loves us with the same love with which He loves the Lord Jesus Christ because we are in Christ as His children. We will enjoy the security of the Lord like Rahab when the city of Jericho was beginning to fall apart. Our security will be like that of Daniel when kings and kingdoms emerged and disappeared. This is because we stand on the rock of ages and not in a slippery place. We are placed on the sure ground of the promises of our Lord which will never change. These great privileges which are bestowed upon us ought to make us confident to face any eventuality with courage because our Lord is with us and He covers us with His love and glory.

Psalms 18:32 – It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.

Thought for Today

Even when the environment around us shakes and rattles, the love of God will keep our hearts and minds in perfect peace and tranquility to meet all challenges with confidence and courage.

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