Wells by faith!
Verse for Today: Sunday, February 24, 2013
Genesis 26:32 – That day Isaac’s servants came and told him about the well they had dug. They said, “We’ve found water!”

The enemy of our souls will always try to deny us our rights and privileges in this world. When circumstances, situations and people take away what rightly belongs to us, we tend to fall into the pits of depression or revenge and thus waste our spiritual energy. Isaac is a great example of a man who was unwilling to get into the pits that others dug for him. When there was contest about what was rightly his, Isaac moved away to find water in fresh wells. But sure enough the enemy’s agents went after him with false claims. But the relentless Isaac attempted to dig more wells by faith and thus defeated his contestants. God rewarded him for his simple faith and patience. By faith, Isaac forsook Esek (argument) and Sitnah (hostility) and moved on to Rehoboth (open space) and finally reached Beersheba where His God helped him found water. He learned that arguments and hostility might make him win the battle, but lose the war. He left his rights behind by faith because he knew that when he hands his situations to the Lord, He will lead him to fresh fields with fresh blessings. He believed that the God of his father Abraham will not deprive him of water. He also believed that His God will rule and overrule circumstances and situations to meet his basic needs. Isaac set an example of a man of faith who knew the joy of giving up the temporal which leads to disputes. He believed in the God of Rehoboth and Beersheba to help him find newer wells and fresh water. Today our God goes before us to show us the way to fresh supplies He has prepared for us. He teaches us to leave the temporal behind and go forward with faith to find new avenues He opens for us.

Dear friend, are you frustrated about the way your situations and circumstances deny you things are rightly yours? The world comes to contest us when we live by faith. God leads us to go forward and find new doors that He opens for us in His grace. What the world has not understood is that they will not be able to defeat us in the temporal because our focus is eternal. When circumstances and situations come to thwart us of our territories, our faith will lead us to newer fields where God has kept newer blessings for us. The enemy might fill the wells that we dig or put up claims for all our achievements. But God will lead us to newer wells of blessings that are unknown to the world. When the world lives by fortunes and luck, we live by faith and the leading of our God. Today we are in His open field which is eternal. He gives us enough for today and will give us the rest when we reach our eternal home on the basis of His oath of grace on Calvary. As we move to the new open space of Rehoboth and on to Beersheba, our Lord will show us water in the new wells that He provides for us. It is His well and His water which we receive by faith.  Isaac’s well of faith at Beersheba speaks to us loudly of the water of faith that is waiting for us today. When we search for our livelihood in God’s open fields, He will lead us to His quiet waters and green pastures. He has enough water for us to quench our thirst. Let us by faith receive what He provides for us for today’s needs and trusts Him for the next drink from the fresh water of life in His well.

John 7:37 – “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.”

Thought for Today

The world cannot deny us that which we inherit by faith in our God.


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