Wheat and honey menu!
Verse for Today: Saturday, January 26, 2013
Psalms 81:16 – But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.

We all seek greater standards for our lives and endeavor to work hard to arrive at a higher level. But all our efforts to reach greater heights in life end here in this world. We convince ourselves that our quality of life is getting better as days go by, but the quality of our inner life goes down day after day. Our lives get more and more complicated day by day as we try to go to higher grounds in this world. But God wants to give us truly higher quality of our spiritual life if we go to Him and seek after His kingdom and righteousness. It means that we depend on Him for all our spiritual needs and live as broken and humble people. When we depend on Him, He will fulfill all His desires in us by changing our lives from the routine to the exemplary. Instead of the mundane and regular manna, He will feed us with a wide variety of dishes with the finest of His wheat for healthy growth in faith and trust in Him. Remember how He used to give us the water of life from the Rock! Now He is committed to give us wild honey hidden in the rock for greater nourishment and healthier growth. When our spiritual diet improves with wild honey and finest wheat, we would gain more strength in our souls to leap for joy and bubble in faith. He doesn’t want us to be satisfied with the mundane, but to go for the finest of His resources for vital growth and development of our stature. Ultimately He wants us to grow to the stature of Christ so that we would be like Him wherever we are. But if we do not have the desire to grow to greater heights by depending on His resources, we would continue to be spiritual pygmies with stunted growth and feeble faith. Today God has something great to offer us if we are committed to His pathways.

Dear friend, are you committed to greater spiritual heights in life or simply satisfied with the mundane? God has great desires for you to grow in spiritual stature. He wants you to grow in faith and in spiritual strength. He wants to help you grow so that you can attempt greater things for Him. He wants you to have greater faith in His promises which will emerge only as you grow. In order for you to grow, He wants you to enjoy His wild honey that He has kept in the rock. He also wants you to eat the finest wheat that is in His breadbasket. Both of these are found in His presence and in His Word. If you depend on Him and want to enjoy His presence and His treasure house, He will give you more and more of His finest wheat and wild honey from the rock to help you grow. Your faith cannot grow unless your intake of the fine wheat and wild honey increase. There is no need for you to starve and go around as a destitute.  There is plenty of wonderful food for you to enjoy in His presence. The table that He prepares for you along with the cup of blessings keeps overflowing with all the blessings of the heavenly places. He will not force-feed you, but desires that you take the time and effort to take and eat to full satisfaction.  If you do so, growth is guaranteed and the stature of your faith will reach new heights to enable you to go forward in all your unfavorable situations and circumstances.

Psalms 81:10b – Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it with good things. (NLT)

Thought for Today
Fine wheat and wild honey from the rock which God gives will produce in us great measure of faith, trust, dependence and confidence to handle all our situations.

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