Wholesome life!

Verse for Today: Monday, October 31, 2011

Malachi 4:2 – But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.

We often forget that God’s blessings to His children are one-sided. God’s love is unilateral because He is love and loves all humans, whether we love Him or not. But it can be our experience only if we receive His love by asking Him to come into our lives. God’s blessings are two types. His general blessings are available to all humans irrespective of whether they have a personal relation with Him or not. But His promises and special blessings are given to those who revere and respect Him. Such reverence and respect are a result of our relationship with Him. If He is accepted by us as our Savior, Lord, Redeemer, Master and the object of our worship, then our hearts will be full of respect for Him. We fear Him out of our respect and are wonderstruck with His power, glory, strength, majesty and get ourselves lost in the wonder that He is. It changes our perspectives in life. Our goals in life change and our aspirations will thus become one with His. When we revere God in our lives, He gets greater control over our lives and all our affairs. Thus when we live in the fear of the Lord, He brightens our lives with His righteousness. He then becomes the healer of all ills in our souls and makes us experience emotional healing and wholeness in our lives. Thus when we live with the touch of the Lord in our lives, we will be filled with His joy and can leap like calves released from its stall. It is then that we forget about ourselves with all our problems, difficulties, tensions, pressures, battles, shortages, failures and inadequacies and leave all our needs and situations with the Lord. If we live in the fear of our Lord, we have the privilege to live a life that is lost in Him on a daily basis because the Lord as the sun (Son) of righteousness will shed His glory on our way and in our hearts. Today is our opportunity to live for the Lord in His fear and enjoy such a thrilling experience in life.

Dear reader, are you enjoying the fear of the Lord as a basic characteristic in your life and heart? Your fear of the Lord leads you to enjoy special relationship with Him so as to experience the glory of the Lord on your pathways. It takes away your focus from your situations and circumstances and helps you to focus on the Lord. All your desires, plans, likes, dislikes and aspirations will be subject to His rule in your life. As you revere the Lord, you would not like anything that the Lord would not permit or desire. In fact, your desire for any thing that is not pleasing to the Lord will be lost and you will develop newer desires which are pleasing to Him no matter what the consequences are. Your Lord will test your heart in the light of the fear of the Lord and help you to grow in His reverence. When the Lord finds your fear of Him in your heart and in your actions, He will brighten your pathways with His righteousness. You will start enjoying His healing touch to make you whole and you will enjoy victory over all mundane desires and priorities you might have in your life. Such an unshackled and wholesome life is God’s gift to you to enjoy today. It is a life that is totally detached from the cares of the world. You have the privilege today to live such a life and leap like a calf out of ecstasy and thrill because such a life is Christ living in you today.

Proverbs 19:23 – The fear of the Lord leads to life, so that one may sleep satisfied, untouched by evil.

Thought for Today
Fear of the Lord leads to real freedom and wholeness in life.

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