Wonderful Re-builder!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Isaiah 9:6b – And His name shall be called Wonderful.

God is addressed by several names in the Bible, each of which portrays His character. The Lord Jesus Christ is also mentioned by several names in the Bible all of which show forth His character. God deals with man and the world in relation to each of the names of God. About eight hundred years before He was born as a baby in Bethlehem, God showed His prophet one of the qualities and characteristic of Jesus that He would be demonstrated as simply wonderful. The people of Palestine found this out from their experience especially during the three and a half years of His public ministry. All who came across Jesus found Him to be wonderful in His behavior, actions, attitude, words and ministries. He reached all the places in the vicinity where there was a need and He met those needs. All His deeds were considered a miracle because it overruled natural laws. None of those could be done by anyone else and it was always far beyond any one’s imagination. His deeds were all astonishing and amazing and it met the greatest needs in human lives. He filled deficiencies in lives. He comforted the hurting families and people groups. He healed all those who were emotionally and physically hurting. His words brought peace in the midst of chaos and confusion. He was able to quite roaring seas and fierce storms. He imparted forgiveness to the guilty who repented. He was the friend of the downtrodden and the socially outcast. He touched the untouchables and ate with those who had social stigma. His words comforted the depressed people and gave peace to those who were restless. He exerted full control over all the elements and the living beings. In all these, Jesus was wonderfully awesome, enormously prodigious, fabulously astonishing, unimaginably amazing, breathtakingly astounding, inexplicably phenomenal and absolutely unique. He was the most wonderful friend to all who came to Him to find meaning in life. He never sent any needy person away empty handed, but was a great and benevolent provider. All who were captivated by His glory followed Him throughout their life time. Today He is wonderful to the eyes which behold Him and the hearts which trust Him.

Dear friend, are you in need of a wonderful touch of healing, restoration, revival and deliverance in life? If you feel empty, this Wonderful Lord Jesus will come into your heart and fill you with His glory. If you are restless with full of anxiety and fear, He will come in and give you lasting peace. If you are brokenhearted, He will heal you and make you whole again. If you are friendless, He will become your trusted and long lasting friend. If you are hungry, He will be your wonderful manna and bread. If you are thirsty, He will be your living water to quench all your inner thirst. If you are lonely, He will be your companion to give you fellowship. If you are tired carrying heavy burdens in life, He will come to carry all your burdens and give you relief. If you are frustrated, He will encourage you to keep going. He will replace your tears with joy unspeakable. His words are wonderfully powerful to drive out demons and demonic thoughts and desires from your heart. He is a wonder too vast to reckon with and too magnificent to meditate all your life. He is altogether lovely and fairest of all whom this earth has ever seen. He is the wonderful Prince of Heaven who wants to be your Savior, Redeemer, Heavenly Bridegroom, Sun of Righteousness, your light, guide, philosopher, companion and the balm to heal all your infirmities. He rebuilds the broken and shattered lives which are surrendered to Him. He is, has been and will always be wonderful and it is your blessed privilege to live for Him today and forevermore. Today He comes to impart wonderful peace and rest to the restless and battered lives. 

Song of Songs 2:1 – I am the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the valleys.     

Thought for Today
The Wonderful Carpenter of Nazareth rebuilds broken lives to make them whole again.

Write for further spiritual help, counseling and prayer support.
All communications to todayintheword@gmail.com

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