WORD of peace!

Verse for Today: Saturday, April 07, 2012

Psalms 119:165 –
Those who love Your law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble.

God speaks to us today through His Word. As we read His Word, meditate on it, memorize it and make it a part of us, its message of peace permeates our whole being and fills us with His strength. When human emotions like anxiety, restlessness, tension and anguish develop in our hearts, the Word that has already become part of our being revives our souls to remind us that we have a Heavenly Father whose power in us will counter any negative and destructive thoughts. The Psalmist confirms to us from his experience that the way to have peace is to love the law of the Lord, make it a part of us and hold on to it as an answer to every difficulty we encounter. So if we live according to the Word and not according to the situations and circumstances, the Word will guide us. His Word is our lamp and light to show us the way and guide us in it. When we grow in our love for the laws of the Lord, His promises cause us to trust Him more and this would result in the peace that passes all understanding. When such peace is ours, we will not stumble on the rocky situations. When we hold on to the Word, the Word will filter every destructive and negative thought that the situations bring to us. Elijah encountered the problem of deep anguish because of the threat of Jezebel. He seemed t o have forgotten the courage he demonstrated on Mount Carmel in the wake of the fierce threat. So the angel of the Lord had to convey a fresh message to him to revive his sagging spirit. When he heard it once, it seemed not to strike him deep enough to break the power of depression in him. So the gracious Lord reminded him of His promises and commission a second time to revive his soul. Our Lord spoke to His servants again and again to strengthen them to keep going in spite of circumstances. David, Paul and the prophets had this privilege of hearing the Word of God again and again. When we are firmly grounded on that Rock, the darts of doubt, confusion and anxiety that the enemy sends our way will not penetrate us. His Word will fill us with His peace in all our circumstances. So let us today renew our love for the laws of the Lord and claim His promises. With such a commitment to the Lord and His Word, let us put our petitions before Him. Let us trust Him to fulfill His unchanging and powerful promises which are in His Word.

Dear reader, are you baffled by the dangerous circumstances that you are a part of? Remember, your Lord is above your circumstances. He can rule and overrule any unfavorable circumstance to fulfill His promises in your life. He is above all circumstances which have a timeline, because He is above timeline. As we trust in the Lord, we can live above our circumstances because our destiny doesn’t end here on earth, but will continue into timeless eternity which is totally controlled by our God. As our destiny is above the present circumstances, they need not influence us. Our greatest buffer in not being affected by the circumstance is to trust in the timeless Word of God which is our lifeline here on earth. When the enemy used his tactics against our Lord here on earth, He used the Word to silence the enemy and frustrate his schemes. The same Lord with the same Word rules our hearts where there is no room for anguishes, anxieties and perplexities. Our hearts and lives are sold out on this unchanging Word which will guarantee perfect peace in our lives if we give it paramount place in our lives. Today let us rely on the eternal Word of God which is our anchor in times of trouble.

Psalms 119:173 – May Your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen your precepts.

Thought for Today

God’s peace that passes all understanding fills our hearts and lives through our faith in His Word.

For further spiritual help and prayer support, contact: todayintheword@gmail.com

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