Your worth before God!

Verse for Today: Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Matthew 10:29 – Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.

All of God’s creation is precious to Him. He has created them all for man who is His ultimate creation. So man is most precious to God. That is why even when man committed sin and fell short of the glory of God, he was not given up by God. He came after man and invited him to His grace which God demonstrated through the sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son. God has deep interest in all the affairs of man. God shows extra care for His children and their affairs because it then becomes God’s family business. God tells man that He has so much concern about the sparrows which are infinitesimal in comparison with the value of man. So if God has great concern for sparrows, how much more value He attributes to His children is a wonderful thought for us to understand the deep concern He has for us. We have a Father in heaven who values us so much and looks after our affairs so keenly for our welfare and happiness. Even the smallest event in our lives is a matter of great concern for Him. His hands are with us as we go through everything in life. He protects us and provides for us. He guards us on all sides and has an additional garrison of His holy angels to keep us according to God’s plans and programs for us. When we have such a Father who loves us like His Only Begotten Son, we do not need to have any fear, apprehension, anguish or anxiety about our day to day affairs and our future. We can also find comfort in that we are far more important for the Father than the sparrows which are also wonderfully cared for by Him.

Dear reader, are you burdened today about your daily and future needs? Do you ever wonder how you would face the next moment in your life because of shortage of resources or strength to meet certain challenges? Remember, you are very special to your Father in heaven. He loved you so much as to sacrifice His Son for your redemption. He has made available all the resources of Heaven to sustain you on a daily basis. He has appointed His angles to stand guard so that you will be protected from all evil and the attacks of the enemy of your soul. He guides and leads you on your pathways and shows you His ways to tread. His Spirit is indwelling in you to speak to you continuously. His Word is deposited in your heart as an eternal investment. You are kept in the fellowship of the Triune God. You have direct access to the Father and are given the freedom to speak to Him without any appointment or time schedule. His eyes are always on you and His ears are open to your cries. The Lord Jesus is your Shepherd and His staff and rod are ministering to your needs. Your heart and mind are kept in God’s peace that passes all understanding. Each time you see a sparrow or any other creature in the animal world, you are reminded of the fact that your Father values you far greater than these creatures. Today if there is any doubt or confusion about your worth, just remind yourself that your worth is greater than that of the whole world. This truth ought to help you today to live joyfully and without stress and fear about your future.

Matthew 6:26 – Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Thought for Today

Blessed are those who realize their worth before God and live to meet all challenges through such a perspective in life.

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