Upper Room Discourse: Discourse of Joy – Part 2

In this passage, the Lord Jesus Christ teaches his disciples that true joy comes from believing the truth rather than relying on external circumstances. He encourages them to rejoice in the Lord and reminds them of the numerous instances of joy mentioned in Scripture. The disciples are urged to remember the joy they felt when they first received salvation and to find joy in the knowledge that they can share in Christ’s joy through his sacrifice. The resurrection of Jesus is highlighted as a source of joy, along with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The passage emphasizes that this joy is a permanent possession that cannot be taken away and encourages believers to maintain a joyful mindset by focusing on God’s Word. The disciples are assured that they can ask for and receive from Jesus to have their joy fulfilled. Ultimately, they are called to remember their salvation joy, appropriate Christ’s joy, and let it shine through their lives as a testimony to others.

Overcome the World – Part 1

Br. Varghese Chacko emphasizes the importance of the heart in overcoming the devil-influenced world. The heart consists of conscience, thoughts, emotions, and will. Conscience discerns good and evil, thoughts are influenced by conscience, emotions are connected to the heart, and will determines actions. Guarding the heart reveals our true identity before God. Start overcoming the world from within by addressing the heart’s components.

Upper Room Discourse: Discourse of Joy – Part 1

– Br. Fred Kosin (Borivali Assembly, 1st December, 2021)Video SermonLink to Video SermonAudio SermonDownloadListen to complete sermon series: Upper Room DiscourseIf you are facing any issues playing or downloading a sermon, please Contact UsSermon TranscriptWe’d …

Impact of the Bible on Indian Education

Missionaries visiting the colonial India strove for the betterment of Indians, despite the exploitive mindset & agenda of the colonists. Driven by the love of Christ, they were instrumental in establishing the modern education system of India. This video looks into efforts taken for the development & universalisation of education in India, by people who claimed allegiance to Christ and the Bible.