12 Disciples of Jesus: Peter – Part 1

Simon, as he was born, was born in the small town of Bethsaida, which is on the north side of Galilee. “Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter.” (John 1:44) His name was Jonah, or Simon, son of Jonas, while Jonah is what he’s called. So his father’s name was Jonah. And at some point, Peter, his wife, his brother Andrew, and his mother-in-law moved to the bigger town of Capernaum, where Jesus would come to live after he was rejected at Nazareth. He became a believer when Andrew, his brother, introduced him to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Who makes the decision in the family?

In our last issue we looked at the example of Christ in leadership. We shall now look at some areas in which husbands should exercise leadership in the family. As God has appointed man as …

Can a Woman lead the Family?

In this issue, let us look at the leadership role God has assigned to husbands. This subject can be a very sensitive and volatile one to discuss in the modern world. Even many so-called Christian …

Do I need to Adjust as a Husband?

In the past issues we have been looking at the role and responsibilities of the husbands in the family. In this issue we would consider another instruction in the New Testament to the husbands. 1 …

What is Sanctifying Love?

In our last issue we considered the command in Eph.5:25 to love our wives as Christ loved the church. Now let us look at the following verses 26 and 27. “That he might sanctify and …

Case Study 2 | Overcome the World – Part 4

– Br. Varghese Chacko (ABC for Teens, 15th August, 2022)Video SermonLink to Video SermonAudio SermonDownloadIf you are facing any issues playing or downloading a sermon, please Contact UsSermon TranscriptLet’s go for a case study. Ready? …

How should I love my wife?

The next role of a husband in family life is to love his wife. This is clearly stated in Ephesians 5:25 “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself …

Overcome the World – Part 3

– Br. Varghese Chacko (ABC for Teens, 15th August, 2022)Video SermonLink to Video SermonAudio SermonDownloadIf you are facing any issues playing or downloading a sermon, please Contact UsSermon TranscriptNow, I want to show you the …

Upper Room Discourse: Discourse of Joy – Part 2

In this passage, the Lord Jesus Christ teaches his disciples that true joy comes from believing the truth rather than relying on external circumstances. He encourages them to rejoice in the Lord and reminds them of the numerous instances of joy mentioned in Scripture. The disciples are urged to remember the joy they felt when they first received salvation and to find joy in the knowledge that they can share in Christ’s joy through his sacrifice. The resurrection of Jesus is highlighted as a source of joy, along with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The passage emphasizes that this joy is a permanent possession that cannot be taken away and encourages believers to maintain a joyful mindset by focusing on God’s Word. The disciples are assured that they can ask for and receive from Jesus to have their joy fulfilled. Ultimately, they are called to remember their salvation joy, appropriate Christ’s joy, and let it shine through their lives as a testimony to others.